Student Learning On Educational Philosophy

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Student Learning On Educational Philosophy

Student Learning On Educational Philosophy


The philosophy of education seeks to study the process and discipline of education in order to understand how it works, improve its methods and perfect its applications in society. Thus, the Educational Philosophy studies the fundamental issues related to pedagogy theory and practice. The educational philosophy also examines education as a science and takes for example the pedagogy characteristics, conditions of possibility, legitimacy and boundaries. Educational Philosophy also addresses issues related to the relationship between educational theory and practice.

Education is perceived in plain language that knowledge of the techniques that are appropriate in the transfer of defined learning objectives for a specific audience. As the terminology refers to the knowledge of pedagogy intends and unintended impact on the individual's identity and ability to cope.

Discussion and Analysis

Philosophy of education is the study of such questions as what education is and what its purpose is, the nature of knowledge and employs the human subject, problems of authority, the relationship between education and society, etc. The philosophy of education recognizes that the undertaking of civil society depends on the education of youth, and the one to educate children as competent, thoughtful and the brave people are complex, challenging task requiring deep understanding of ethical principles, moral values, political theory, aesthetics, and cost-not to mention an understanding of what children are, in themselves and in society (Plato, 1991).

Present Need for a Philosophy of Education

All human societies, past and present, have had a vested interest in education; and some wits have claimed that teaching (at its best an educational activity) is the second oldest profession. While not all societies channel sufficient resources into support for educational activities and institutions, all at the very least acknowledge their centrality—and for good reasons.

Knowledge developed today in education, as important as they do not take the place of philosophy of education. Reflections and research on teaching are essential for providing teachers some answers to questions like what and how they teach, but they are insufficient to answer questions on: what being a teacher, being a student, for what purposes education is. Thus, the development of teaching practices and then work on educational disciplines has not replaced the philosophy of education, not more that the development of human sciences replaced philosophical reflection on man. They certainly contributed to nurture this thinking but cannot replace it.

Educational Topics

As subjects and study pedagogy often divided into different educational disciplines and research areas. Some of these have grown out of touch with the other sciences. This applies to disciplines such as educational psychology, educational sociology, educational philosophy and history education. Other disciplines have a more immediate connection to the educational situation, such as education (teaching theory) and education theory, where one tries to analyze and systematize the educational reality with a view to developing principles and guidelines for educational practice.


The "true philosophy" is, according to Plato, the source of knowledge about what is good and just, both in ...
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