Student Centred Learning

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Student Centred Learning

Student Centred Learning


The method of learning and teaching approach is a method supported projects in the scientific method that encourages research to develop, restructure and innovate situations inherent in the profession or life's everyday learner through practical experience, which promotes the teaching of problem analysis and solution real. In this context, the learning experiences gained through the student, research work, to place the learning in real situations, their own vision of being, do, learning and communication, and where the motivation, the interest awakened, leads him to create, engage, resolve, decide, and make new situations (Glasper, McEwing, & Richardson, 2009).

Learning is a process that occurs while the subject is epigenetic, i.e., requires certain environmental conditions that can develop on that one. In this sense, to speak of an "autonomous learning" or "student centred" does not describe the nature of learning, i.e., not a description that accounts for what is in the process of learning itself, rather , to which it refers, is a methodological emphasis on driving the learning process, that is, action speaks more than teaching. Positive affect, creativity and flexible thinking and penetrating assertive in an environment that learners perceive as relevant and meaningful to them. Thus, students need opportunities to make choices in line with their interests and, in the light of awareness, a discovery or new perceptions, have the freedom to change their path of learning. Similarly, projects that the complexity and duration are similar to real life situations force students to use their superior skills of reflection and creativity. Finally, it should be noted that the students' curiosity is stimulated when they can work on learning objects they deem relevant and offer them an optimal degree of difficulty and novelty (Martin & Madigan, 2006).


Much has been said recently about the paradigm shift that means education that seeks to develop the skills of the subject, not the extent of learning objectives. This change serves the environment should encourage the individual potentials, which experiences favour him, being required to exercise its jurisdiction, this high level of performance. The sensitivity of the learning environment to the individual multiple intelligences is also on this line. Pedagogic action is aware that the subject's interaction with formal educational institutions (not just those at school), has the mission to diversify their experience, and designed in order to exercise and develop specific skills, problem solving pro, and so on.

It is a fact that every human being is born with a different set of capabilities. Every individual possesses a peculiar sense of thought process, and that is why, in primitive classes, students are distinguished on the basis of their individual differences, including comprehension skills, writing skills, personal traits, and their approach to learning. It is a vivid case that one student can pick up and understand a concept faster as compared to another student, who takes time to absorb the meaning of the same concept taught in a class (Skaalvik, Normann & Henriksen, 2010).

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