Structured And Unstructured Interviews

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Structured and Unstructured Interviews


The interviews for the management position are planned by the interviewers or the executives of the firm. The executives of the company are using both structured and unstructured format of the interview when interviewing managers. In this paper, we are discussing the two different formats of interviews and there positive and negative implications when interviewing managers by the executives.




Structured Format Of Interview5

Positive And Negative Implications Of Structure Interviews6

Unstructured Format Of Interview7

Positive And Negative Implications Of The Unstructured Interviews8


Structured and Unstructured Interviews


Interview is the formal dialogue among a hirer and an interviewee or aspirant, normally in individual, in which detail is interchanged, with the objective of ascertaining the suitability of applicants for the available position. There are different types of interview format, which are used by the management while interviewing candidates. The most common are the structure and unstructured format of the interview. The both structured and unstructured format of interviews is used in the process of interviewing. Both formats have some advantages and disadvantages. The executives of the company are also using these formats when interviewing managers and they should use these formats of interviews for the better results (Taylor 1999, pp7-10).

In the structure interviews, all the candidates for the manager positions are asked the same questions. On the other hand, in the unstructured interviews all the candidates for the position of manager are asked different questions. In this paper, we are discussing the difference between these two main formats of interviews for the position of manager, and also taking into consideration the positive and negative implications of these formats (Van der Zee 2002, pp.176-184).



The executives of the organizations should use both of the structured and unstructured formats of the interview. These two formats are very important and significant when interviewing managers. When the executives of the company willing to hire the managers they all have to make certain that their skills and competencies of interviewing are equal to scrape. In some situations, it is noticed that sometimes the management and the concern authorities faced different sort of decision making problems in selecting the managers for different department. Therefore, proper interviewing skills and proper formats are important for the interview of positions of managers (Campion 1997, pp 655-702).

Structured Format Of Interview

Basically, the structure interviews are the formal type of interviews procedures where related position questions are characteristically formed in advance, and achieving systems are utilized to assess applicants. Usually unstructured interviews entail less prescribed dialogues with the candidates, and portion of question and answer of the discussion is normally more artless. The executives when looking forward for the structure format for the interviews of the managers, than they prepare different questions which have been structured in advance, and the procedure entails asking a question and then recording the responses given. Some general questions are part of the structured interviews which are asked from every candidate. Some of the questions of the structured interview are used to identify ...
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