Structural View Of Conflict

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Structural view of conflict

Structural view of conflict


Extensive research had done on issues relating to inter-state conflicts. Researchers had pointed out that it is the inter-state conflicts give birth to modern wars (Demmers, 2012). There are many names, which are alternatively in use for the modern wars, e.g. civil wars, intrastate wars or insurgencies. However, after the end of Cold War, it had experienced that modern wars have multiple outcomes, which sometimes lead to full fledged war (Demmers, 2012). In this regard, neorealist perspective in the international perspective got momentum. It is the structure of society which leads to modern wars, which remain active for decades and become the chief cause f the destruction for a country.


After the end of the cold war, the time of proxy wars had started. In addition, it had also learned that the real power of a country is its composition. If the structure of society goes into pieces, country will automatically destruct. This is the reason, in 1990s, neorealist approach had widely discussed and applied in order to understand the nature of conflict (Burchill, 2012).. Modern wars vs. conventional wars

Commence and end of war

Unlike traditional wars, there is no any formal beginning and end in the modern wars. Usually, modern wars start at small scale and with the passage of the time its scale and intensity increases (Kornhauser, 2013). On the contrary, when reason and leadership are not efficient, it loses its potential and ends without achieving any result.


There is no any timeframe of modern wars they last for several decades. Whenever, they conflict with each other and some time with the ruling government until they have financially and mass support. Sometimes there is a period of peace and all the parameters of the country are usually performing and vice versa.

Mode of fight

In modern wars, ...
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