Structural And Behavioral Organizational Ethics

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Structural and Behavioral Organizational Ethics

Structural and Behavioral Organizational Ethics


The field of ethics deals with wrong and right code of conduct and behavior within a specific environment. The organizational ethics is referred to as the ethics of an organization. It relies on the organizational culture of a workplace. The phenomenon of organizational ethics is interconnected to the organizational behavior and business ethics. It is dependent on the organizational values that every employee must adapt regardless of regulatory requirement (Halbert and Ingulli, 2006).The paper aims at discussing the two models named as Blanked Scorecard and, Six sigma with respect to its utilization in enhancing the business ethics and performance.


Balanced Scorecard

It is a tool for measuring the performance of an organization or business. It aims at providing a inclusive framework that decodes the company's strategic goals into a set of performance indicators. This approach has been utilized by many huge corporations at large scale and it successfully yielded extravagant improvements in the operations of a organization. It utilizes both financial and non financial performance indicators to measure the performance. It incorporates both leading and lagging measures that help in depicting the competitive advantage and strategic position of the company. These performance indicators are significant to the success of an organization. It helps in clarifying, and simplifying the mission and vision of the organization (Butler and Raiborn, 2011).

Key performance indicators are also known as Key Success Indicators, which are used by companies to measure its performance with respect to achieving business objectives. A company requires these indicators to define the required improvement level to achieve these goals (Reh, n.d.). The Economic indicators of the company include implemented policies, practices, and expenditure on domestic suppliers that reflects the company's procedures and general activities pertaining to responsible and ethical behavior socially while dealing with its stakeholders such as employees, customers, and community members. Other indicators that help in enhancing and implementing ethical code of conducts in the organization include process of recruiting and hiring personnel at domestic level, which reflects company's operations pertaining to hire individuals from local community and assisting these deprived locals in fulfilling their personal objectives and career aims.

Six Sigma

The model of six sigma is comprised of various tactics, techniques, strategies, and procedures that are utilized for the purpose of improving the quality of business operations and organizational activities. The concept was originated by Motorola in 1986. The primary aim of this tool is to improvise the quality of operations by determining and eliminating the reasons behind errors. It aims at reducing the deviation in the process of manufacturing and other business activities. The method involves usage of quality management tactics such as statistical tools and helps in creating a specialized environment for employees in the organization. The expert managers in this field set the measurable and quantifiable targets to be achieved at the end of every step of the overall process such as reducing the operating cycle, pollution, time factor, cost or increasing customer satisfaction or profitability (Pande, ...
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