Stress Management For 911 Telecommunication Professionals

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Stress Management for 911 Telecommunication Professionals

Stress Management for 911 Telecommunication Professionals


Stress is defined as a state that makes heightened demands on an individual's mental or emotional resources, thus putting up extra burden on the nerves and forcing him to act in the peculiar and socially unacceptable manner. Stress can be due to a number of reasons, including money, job, relations or security. Stress management deals with methods and procedures required to neutralize the effects of stress and avoid surfacing of a similar situation in the future.

Certain occupations call for more stress and strain on the workers as compared to others, and such occupations include the 911 telecommunication professionals. Various researches have shown that the 911 telecommunication professionals are prone to stress and strain situation, and, therefore, need proper stress management in order to perform their duty in a coherent manner without falling victim to stress.


A number of different techniques can be employed for stress management and ensuring better mental health of the 911 telecommunication professionals, including counseling, lectures, display of motivational movies, allowing short vacations and provision of facilities. The following paragraphs would highlight the stress management procedure for the 911 telecommunication professionals.

Techniques for managing daily stress of 911 telecommunications professionals

Several techniques can be employed for managing stress of the 911 telecommunication professionals, including daily programs and weekly programs. However, researches have shown that daily stress management programs play an effective role in managing stress of the telecommunication professionals and allowing them to work effectively and efficiently. The following steps can be taken to manage by the 911 telecommunication professionals to release stress:

1.Breathing exercises

The 911 telecommunication professionals are getting shocking, and emergency news all the time and thus need to are regular small breaks and perform breathing relaxation exercises. These exercises do not take much time and play a pivotal role ...
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