Stress Management At Frank Taylor's Automobile Dealership

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Stress Management at Frank Taylor's automobile dealership

Stress Management at Frank Taylor's automobile dealership


Sometimes, too much work, family responsibilities and to the expectation of some important event, we can generate a stress situation, however, what does this state of fatigue? However, one could say that the responsibilities and the workplace itself are typical factors that cause stress on the person. It is very common for employers who live in a constant pressure of work and work until late at night, try to relieve that state of fatigue taking several doses of caffeine a day (Landsbergis and Vivona-Vaughan, 1995).

However, stress in a work place at Frank Taylor's automobile dealership may arise due to the components of stress which is conflict. In an organization there are some employees working and it is compelled to occur that between them a confrontation may originate on an issue. This lays influences exactly on the general profits of the organization. In an organization the lowest part of confrontation is the accuse game, it determinants some difficulties and the large scale drawback is that the organization bears from it is the buyer dissatisfaction (Bond and Bunce, 2001).


However, stress is a normal physical response to events that upset an individual's usual balance. This instinct has followed the development and is commonly referred to as “fight or flight” mode or syndrome, this reaction is stress. Stress is normal and natural and it can increase the performance of an employee. Although, when stress gets too high it can cause issues. When this occurs there is a need for intervention. Interventions for employees at Frank Taylor's automobile dealership can range from self help to support groups, formal therapy and possibly medications (Bond and Bunce, 2001).

No, stress in and of itself is not negative nor is it bad for an employee. In fact a certain level of stress is not only healthy but can help motivate people to work harder, set productive and realistic goals and make achievements that may have been elusive otherwise. An example of positive stress would be when a person is nervous about performing a work so they spend extra time at work, this helps the employee in getting relaxed and conversely they will likely do better while performing the work which will affect the efficiency of work in positive manner (Landsbergis and Vivona-Vaughan, 1995).

Stress management within the Frank Taylor's automobile dealership is bad when it reaches the level that it impacts on one's ability to perform normally. Excessive stress within the organization that results in obsessions over failing and thus prevents effective concentration and the ability to perform would be considered as the bad stress and that would require interventions. Moreover, stress within the Frank Taylor's automobile dealership can include the physical pain, skin conditions, heart disease, sleeping issues, performance issues relate to the performance, relational issues, weight issues and compromised immune system. However, this takes place due to anxiety or depression, concentration or memory issues (Bond and Bunce, 2001).

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