Stress Management

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Stress Management

Stress Management


Stress is a natural fact which is caused by the external and internal forces of the world that affects the individual. The ways in which an individual responds to the stress affects the individual as well as its environment. It is basically a normal physical response that makes to feel the person threatened and upset the balance of a person. When person feel a sense of danger in a real or imaginary situation, the defenses of the body put the boot into high mechanism quickly. This process is known as stress response or fight-or-fight reaction. Usually people consider stress in a negative way because of the excess of stress in today's modern lives. Stress can be positive, negative or neutral experience from the biological view point. The external factors that cause stress is physical environment, which includes relationship with others, job, home and all outside situations, difficulties, expectations and challenges faced by the person on regularly. The internal factors that cause stress are nutritional status, fitness level and overall health, the amount of rest and sleep, and emotional well being (Medicinenet, 2012).


Psychological Effects of Stress

Effects of stress on psychology are more complex today than ever before. Symptoms of stress are both related to psychological and physiological levels. The human mind leads to several psychological effects of stress. Most common psychological effects of stress includes irritability, mood swings, powerless feeling, resentment, low self worth, low of self esteem, effects of stress on memory, lack of interest in activities, cognitive effects of stress, depression, anxiety, feeling of guilt, panic attacks, increased cynicism, angry outburst, unable to feel happy, few close friends or isolation, feeling hopeless and feeling overwhelmed. It has been proven from the studies that body and mind are not two separate things because they are interconnected. Emotional and mental ...
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