Stress Can Affect Future Offspring

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Stress Can Affect Future Offspring

Stress Can Affect Future Offspring


Nature has made the mankind in the most interesting manner. For a naïve man, the cognitive abilities, feelings, learning and experiences of a person begin with his birth and the period before his birth has a little or even no role to play in the development of his personality, feelings and experiences. However, the advent of technology, and the numerous advancements attained in the arena of medical and psychological science have revealed various phenomenon pertaining to the phenomenon of birth and the instances endured during the period of pre birth, an their subsequent effect on the born child. Over time numerous studies and researchers have been conducted in order to comprehend the relation between the external pressures endured by the mother during and a little before the pregnancy, and the subsequent effects on the born child.

The Claim and Key Assumption

The experiment constituted of rats as the subject, placing on the belief that rats bear numerous similarities to humans in varying aspects. In the article under study, numerous claims have been brought to the limelight; however the question of their validation still remains an ambiguity to a few researchers. However, amongst the claims made in this article, the most essential claim draw in this article pertains to the belief or assumption that if the mother is exposed to the stressful conditions in the period of early development, there are fair chances that the subsequent effects of those stressful conditions will be passed on to the offspring borne by the mother.

Moreover, the claims or the assumptions do not merely rely on imposing the fact that the effects of the stress can be moved on or passed on to the born child, but also eloquently articulate that even if those dire effects have been inherited by the child, the severity or intensity of those effects can be lessened down or diminished to a considerable degree, provided they are countered via effective and productive remedial approaches pertaining to the timely, appropriate and suitable therapeutic interventions or environmental conditions (Rice, 2010).

Furthermore, an interestingly assumption also found its way and face in this article, the researches, who were involved in this experiment and research, eloquently declared that there lies no doubt about the fact that adverse outcomes are rendered via the experience of the stressful condition at the early period of the development by the mother, and subsequently the child at the initial stage of his life or growth shows numerous limitation pertaining to his personality development and other concerning area; however, where the child shows some issues regarding the social aspect of his personality, i.e. he is witnessed to refrain from the social mingling and other behavioural impairments, yet at the same time it enables them to equip himself to learn to evade the distress situation.

Viability of the Claims: The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Claims

The claims seem to have found a relative substantial sound basis for the validation of its claims ...
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