Stress And Health

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Stress and Health

Stress and Health


Stress caused by factors called stressors. The brain stressors are different factors such as situational stimuli acting strongly and only once or weak, but running times, and conflict situations. In biology, the stressor can be any factor, such as biological, chemical, thermal, and effort, which, according to his ability to trigger a more or less non-specific changes. Stressors lead to disturbances of homeostasis. When this disorder is so severe that the body is unable to restore, there is a variety of lesions and diseases that require medical intervention.


What is stress?

From the standpoint, of psychology is a state of general mobilization of the body as a response to intense physical or mental stimulus; intensification of emotional tension up to the excitement and disturbance in the functioning of the body and psyche-induced stressors, risk and disruption of conditioning the unsatisfied needs and loss of value in that it interferes activity in the course of the individual and forces him into a new coordinate, when the disorganization occurred in the fixed structures of the personality, needs, values, the image of his personality. In biology, the stress is a condition that manifests a kind of team consisting of a non-specific changes induced in the whole biological system of human or animal body by the stressor, which works the whole body or part thereof. There are three stages of stress: alarm, adaptation, and exhaustion. In the emergency phase, of the action man is experiencing a stressor and a sense of helplessness and danger. Under the influence, of the autonomic nervous system occurs in the body to many changes to prepare for an appropriate response. These changes allow you to control the risks generated by a stressor, then the body tends to stabilize (adaptation). In these cases, however, when the stressor is very strong, and its performance shall be extended - as long as there is adaptability, and then may fail to develop a variety of diseases caused by maladjustment, such as cardiovascular disease, rheumatic disorders, digestive, metabolic, allergic reactions. The main regulators of the stress syndrome are the brain, nerves, pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenals, liver, kidneys, blood vessels, connective tissue and white blood cells.What are the adverse health effects is excessive stress?

When the stress helps us face the danger to some (which was probably beneficial for our body feature in evolution) is doing a decent job. In contemporary life and anxiety is usually disproportionate to the unfolding events and unjustified - envelops us in distress situations with which we live or who you, and not in the face of real danger, we have to deal with. The pituitary gland regulates the secretion of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), the main hormone secreted by the body in a stressful situation, mobilizing the body for fight or flight. Changes in pituitary condition caused by long experience of stress or a potent cause excessive secretion of the hormone - especially in the hippocampus, amygdala and dark spot - alerting the body of the danger, which in fact is not. Further experience of hormones associated with stress is catecholamine: epinephrine and ...
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