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Stress is a physical response to the challenge posed by the environment. When we talk about job stress, we mean the physical and emotional response to the challenge posed by the job. We often take the stress in unfavourable terms, but there is positive stress as well which is known as eustress.. The study below discusses the body's adaptive response to stress and how stress affects the daily work life of an individual.


Stress is a non-specific reaction to the action of extreme factors, some difficult to solve or threatening situation. Under stress, the body produces the hormone adrenaline, whose main function is to force the body to survive. Stress is a normal part of human life and is necessary in precise quantities. If our life did not have stressful elements of competition, risk, willingness to work, then our life would have become much boring. Sometimes the stress acts as a call, or motivation, which is necessary to feel the fullness of emotion, even when it comes to survival. If the totality, of these challenges and complex problems is very large, then the person's ability to cope with these problems getting lost (Matheny, Kolt, 2003).

General Adaptation Syndrome

The general adaptation syndrome can be described as a process in three stages:

Alarm reaction: when the body detects the external stimulus;

Adaptation: when the body takes defensive countermeasures to the aggressor;

Exhaustion: when they start to dry up the body's defences.

Alarm phase

It is a defence to a real and immediate threat the body responds even without us being aware of it and, prepares us to circumvent the risk or face him with all available energies. In the immediate reaction is responsible for the neuro endocrine system through the segregation of hormones that quicken the pulse, breathing rate increases and we become more excitable so that our reaction can occur rapidly. The body got made at breakneck speed for the fight or flight, and there will be internal changes that will reduce losses in either case. The fight or flight energy burn; and if all went well, the body will recover with combined effort (Cohen, Kessler, 1995).

Catecholamine activates all systems to operate on the edge, to meet the needs of a small space of time, the secreted cortical contributes to the recovery action providing energy and producing anti-inflammatory effects. The downside is that so powerful a reaction many times repeated minor stressors the body requires to undergo an imposed load not without risks, adrenaline and cortisone consumes us attacks the immune system when we react excessively to any stressor.

Stage Resistance

If the stress continues, a person moves from the alarm stage into the resistance stage. The resistance stage characterized by the body's reaction to continued stress, when it adopts strategies to deal with it. It is a stage when arousal is very high and where the person experiencing stress responds to the physiological and psychological aspects of the stress situation. The reaction to the stressful situation might be in the form of increased worry and anxiety (cognitive state anxiety); or ...
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