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Stress is all in the Mind

Stress is all in the Mind


Man is so constructed that it can comprehensively develop in favourable circumstances, and to be able to survive under unfavourable. Survival is supported by an automated process, as the stress response. If there is a sense of danger, the body prepares physically and mentally to defend (WILSON, 1964, p. 136). This is done precisely by the stress response; the stress is a reaction to the perceived threat. Insecurity is a subjective impression. However, always turns on the survival instincts and forces a man to fight or flee. Stress response is independent of our rational thinking. It determines the start of the brainstem, which activates the sympathetic nervous system (DANTZER, 1993, p. 54). The stress is physical and emotional response generated by the body cope with the pressure human beings have to manage. The most common reactions are caused by stress tension, irritability, loss of concentration and various physical symptoms that include headaches and heart palpitations. Several institutes and centres of health offer courses for personal growth. In this paper, it will focus on how to develop sound management of stress at work and in daily life.


Stress is a very ambiguous term which has many connotations and very little use for understanding as the body adjusts to the demands of life daily (daily hassles) and catastrophic situations occur sporadically (major life events). To many individuals the concept of stress reflects a state undesirable worry, fear, irritability, sadness, and difficult to properly handle situations cause frustration (SELIGMAN, 2006, p. 149). For others, stress is a challenge that motivates the acquisition of achievements and goals in life (LOSYK, 2005, p. 44). In the first case, we referring to a popular term called "stressed" the suggesting the chronic nature of a negative state recognized clinically as emotional distress. An important feature in the concept of stress is cognitive evaluation process, which takes into consideration an item important as the perception by the individual. Psychological stress is caused by external or internal stressors and is subject to a Appraisal call cognitive assessment, defined as the interaction of an external threat, the assessment cognitive threat (primary appraisal), and resources perceived personal to face this threat (appraisal secondary) (SELIGMAN, 2006, p. 149).

The emotional response is characterized by stress symptoms of anxiety, irritation, anger, and anger, worry, sadness, panic, and transient nature. The main ingredient Emotional stress response is cognitive in nature due to the fact that the external stimulus must be perceived as stressful. The model described by Lazarus and Folkman proposed that in response to external stimuli stressful nature, the individual cognitively assesses the potential threat. This event represents (primary appraisal) and resources own or ability to respond to this stimulus (Secondary appraisal) (WILSON, 1964, p. 138). Primary and secondary appraisal determines the shape and intensity of the stress in mind. It is noteworthy that the cognitive evaluation by an individual generally varies depending of personality traits, perceived self-efficacy, previous experience with the stimulus stressful, and social ...
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