Strength And Conditioning Programme Design

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Strength and Conditioning Programme Design

Strength and Conditioning Programme Design


Strength and Conditioning Programme Design

IntroductionThe paper is all about discussing the sprinting activities, where the paper will talk about the movement analysis of the sprint, and will discuss the additional elements of the sprinting movement. The paper will focus on the 4 week general training phase, which include three phases that is Support Phase, Drive Phase and Flight Phase, which can be further classified as the reaction phase, which is the start, the acceleration phase, which is for the increase in speed, the deceleration phase, which for the decrease in the speed, and finally the finish phase, where the activity is ending. The program that is being made is targeted for the athletes, on the basis of the assumption that they are starting their fitness program assuming that they have some form of fitness which could include running, soccer, and basketball.

Looking around the concept and the detailed discussion of sprinting, it is described as an activity, it is actually the coordination and linkage of nerves and the muscles that depend on the ability of the central nervous system, which in result gives the braking and friction movement of the body parts. In the mechanical terms the sprinting skill is not very complex, and when it comes in the terms and concepts of neurological, it is one of the most complex sequences of firing by the motor neurons, in order to activate and start the movement of the muscles so that the lever system of the human could work and apply the force.

The performance of the sprinter can be determined by the force and the speed by means of which the muscles of the body can relax, and contract in a cyclic motion, i.e. it is said to be the accurate timings when the muscle can return from contraction, where the forced is applied, to the relaxation (Crowder, 1992, pp.29-31).


Performance Factors in Sprinting

The goal of the sprinter is to develop the horizontal velocity, as highest as possible, the velocity for elite sprinter is 43-36 strides (men), and 47-52 strides (women), that all together constructs it I 00m race. However, the strider is consisted of phases like support and recovery phase, where the horizontal momentum is produced while the sprinter is in the support phase. The support leg smears the force against the ground, which is in the backward and downward direction, which has the outcome creating in U forwards and upwards directions. During the support phase the sprinter has a very little tune that is available to apply the force, however, at the velocity on its maximum the foot remains in the air for about 0.08-0.09 seconds. Thus in this case the sprinter is allowed to apply the force for very short span of time in the support phase in order to maintain the horizontal velocity. This way it is highlighted in its own sense about the ability of applying the force for a very short span of ...