Stratification And Mobility In The Us

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Stratification and Mobility in the US

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Stratification and Mobility in the US


Mobility refers to movement of people between or within a social group, occupations and classes in a society. The positions hierarchy in relation to economic production has an influence on social rewards to individuals who are associated with positions is called stratification.


The mobility showed a declining trend in US and identified education as the basis of mobility decline. The people of America still consider higher education as privilege; however, it comes from state and federal aid. Private universities have increased tuition fees as compare to aid (Madrick, 2007). A recent article affirmed that the mobility rates are unlikely to increase and inequality may further broaden in American society. American culture possesses a high extent of social mobility. A number of Americans lack factual upward mobility. Hutton (2002) stated that the social mobility is laid down below modest levels in United States. However, conservatives argue that the social mobility is exceptionally high. Wessel (2005) describes that there has been a decline in mobility, in America.

The core reasons of decline in social mobility include an increase in population of babies particularly in poor families. Another reason is the recession emergence that restricted increases inequality resulted in restricting upward mobility. In 1947 to1973, the income of family in America was reported to increase doubled in real terms, and from 1973 to 2007, family's income grew by 22 percent. The reason of decline mobility is the technological change that leads to decline in demand of middle-skilled workers. In America, the income of parents emerges as a predictor of the future of a child, which clarifies that social mobility is declining. Income inequality is the major factor of decline in mobility as low or ...
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