Strategy, Structure And Core Values Are Inseparable In Defining The Road Map To Successful Organizations

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Strategy, Structure And Core Values Are Inseparable In Defining The Road Map To Successful Organizations

Strategy, Structure And Core Values Are Inseparable In Defining The Road Map To Successful Organizations


The essence of every successful organization is its strategies that it adopts, developing and implementing efficient management strategies is the backbone of every successful organization. Management theories, models and practices of global operations management address business problems in a very efficient manner. Management strategies also involve efficient decision making policies. Measurement strategy for the measurement of improvement is of worth importance and requires proper planning. Management strategy elongates from strategic to tactical aspects, it may involve business objectives, strategies, KPIs, segments and most importantly the targets. Management theories, models and practices of global operations management address business problems in a very efficient manner. Management strategies also involve efficient decision making policies; therefore it requires the careful understanding of business needs and achieved outcomes. Management strategy includes the detailed analysis if the business objectives and major steps taken previously for the betterment of the management process and ultimately for the business. It requires thorough study of the previous and current business situations and also includes the evaluation of the differences in business process and profits gained (Zheng, 2010).

Corporate or organizational culture is an important knowledge management in the organization aspect. When talking about organizational culture refers to a common pattern of behavior used by individuals and groups within an organization with its own personality and characteristics is made. It is a dynamic set of values, ideas, habits and traditions, shared by people within an organization, which regulate their performance.

In a world where change is so rapid, organizations require a dynamic culture, totally different from the established decades ago. The existence of a corporate culture inspired by the conviction of each of the members is much more productive than a corporate culture applied by imposition from management, and this aspect should be considered when any practice is applied to manage knowledge (Daft, 2009).

In a company, it is necessary to promote a culture of information and under the new budget, a knowledge culture. Under this, the human connection, the interaction between men is a cornerstone of successful management.

Management & Organizational Strategy

The term strategic management refers to the analysis of the major initiatives that are taken by an organization and its management at the top which includes performance and resources in external and internal environments. It emphasizes on how an organization's vision, mission and objectives are specified and how to develop plans and policies in terms of programs and projects. They are then designed to gain these objectives in a specified manner. Then resources are allocated to implement these plans and policies, programs and projects. Not only this but a balanced score card is also used to judge the overall performance of an organization and how its projects are working towards the proposed objectives. According to the latest research, it has been concluded that theorists related to leading management have constructed a strategy that ...