Strategy Management

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International Strategy Management

International Strategy Management


Strategy is a plan or achievement design to achieve certain goals. Organizations design their strategies according to their goals. The management of organization design the strategy to be successful among all other companies in the market (Gamble, 2013). It is necessary for an organization to design the strategy which attracts people towards products otherwise other companies can take the market share of the company. It is necessary for the companies to expand their business internationally. The success of organization locally encourages the management to spread their business in international market.

International strategy management is different from working in domestic environment. It is necessary for an organization to examine the nature of product and find out the demand internationally. Human resource is the most precious capital of an organization. Globalization influences international strategic management because it now becomes easy for any company to open the office in any country of the world. Organization has to examine their employees for international market because other companies are also working internationally. The assessment of international market is also necessary because it provides the market condition of that country.

Answer of Questions

Question 1

Many organizations today have begun to realize the essence of strategy making as a process which is aimed at enhancing shareholder value. The purpose of conducting business is to generate profit and thus organizations devise strategies that can create enhanced shareholder value. This value can only be increased if organizations are willing to step out of the comfort zone and look to tap the different opportunities available to them within the context of globalization (Brown, 2013). The end goal of every strategy is not only to enhance the efficiency of processes but also to successfully address the needs of shareholders in a profound manner.

Many organizations faced adverse situations and in these situations they have to resort to strategies. It is because they had not been proactive in the first place and thus were left with the adoption of remedial measures. Strategies today are more concerned with increasing the shareholder value since that would be a huge stimulant in successfully establishing long lasting relationships with the shareholders.

Once shareholders start believing that their needs are addressed by the organization in an apt manner, they would be more willing to stay loyal with the organization. After believing on organization shareholder may invest to provide other facilities to the management of organization (Turnbull, 2013). Retaining shareholders is of the utmost significance however more important is the fact that for an organization to flourish, it needs to constantly increase the shareholder value as a way to stay above the competition.

This can only be done with the effective strategy formulation and implementation. Corporate executives have this perplexing task of deciding which strategy to adopt and which one to discard according to a set criterion. The criterion often comprises of organizational resources, finances and the involvement of other stakeholders. Thus strategy forms as a core competency for many ...
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