Strategy Implementation And Context

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Strategy Implementation and Context

Strategy Implementation and Context


The following paper based on the strategic planning versus strategic incrementalism. The basis of the paper is linked with De Wit and Meyer statement, which identified that a strategy could be viewed, understood, or indeed approached by the managers in a diametrically opposed perspective. Similarly, this perspective based on the two different pairs, that is, strategic planning and strategic incrementalism. Therefore, the papers motive is to compare and contrast the planning and incremental approaches during the strategic formulation process. Another important point that the paper discussed is the identification and analysis of the circumstances under which the planning approach would be suitable regarding the creation of the strategy in organization as compared to the incremental approach. And at last, the author tried to explore the integrated possible and desired link between the planning and incremental approaches within the organizations.


Strategic Change: Strategic Incrementalism

When many of the well-managed organizations made significant changes in its strategy, employing approaches often have little to do with rational and analytical systems so often appear in the literature on planning. Therefore, the processes used to arrive at the full strategy are fragmentary, evolutionary and largely intuitive. The real strategy tends to evolve while the internal decisions and external events are combined to design a new consensus for action among key members of senior management.

Effective strategies tend to arise from a number of strategic subsystems and a constant planning, but which condense and increase appropriately in a coherent pattern that becomes the company's main core strategy. Successful executives relate there selves with each series of processes and took the strategic decisions for years to come. Then they try to build a resource base and a corporate attitude that is so strong that the company can survive and thrive despite all roughing events.

Afterwards, this is the stage where the strategic incrementalism plays its role, they then proceed incrementally to handle urgent matters, and sequences start looking towards the longer terms that may be unclear to face unexpected events (Meso, n.d.). Similarly, with the same attitude, the management continually rethinking the future and finding new ways of congruencies that combine the resources and skills in new domain suggesting better positions.

Towards strategic planning

The development of strategy at any organization, regardless of the nature and scale of its activities, should be based on planning. The strategy is an integrated system of objectives and tasks, and a package of measures targeting and transformation of the realization of its mission to increase efficiency and competitive strength. Similarly, it helps in reducing uncertainty and widens opportunities for expansion through ambient diagnosis and selecting the proper direction for future development. It is all about the future that how the management planned the strategy to be on the winning side of the game. In the same way, it takes the company's management to draw the best possible (optimal) path leading to a better (desired) future, we intend to consistently follow and constantly improve ...
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