Strategic Sustainable Development

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Strategic Sustainable Development


Mixed Use Development3

Risk Management3

Strategic Sustainable Development3

Project's Associated Characteristics4

$150 Million Project4

Dynamic Width of the Project4

Funding by International Monetary Fund4

Island's Government5

Political Risk Assessment5

Political Risks associated with the Project5

Political Instability5

Macroeconomic and Financial Changes6

Cultural and Environmental Risks6

Insufficient Global Ties6

Business Environment Risk7

Investment Risk Assessment7

Investment Risks associated with the Project7

Interest Rate Risk7

Inflationary Risk8

Social, Political and Legislative Risks8

Development Risk Assessment8

Development Risks associated with the Project9

Increase in Execution Costs9

Variations in Supply and Demand9

Trade Contractor Disputes10

Identifying and Recording Risks10

Risk Assessment11

Risk Management11


An Ever Growing Real Estate Demand12

Managing Urban Change12

Increased Homes and Offices Requirements12

Increased Transportation Facilities Required12

Increased Population in the United Kingdom13

Implications for United Kingdom Real Estate Professionals14

Corporation Tax Rates14

Stamp Duty Land Tax14

Social Housing REITs15

Energy Saving Technologies Allowances16

Tax Credit for Energy Savers16

Other Capital Allowances16

Tools Available to Real Estate Professionals17

Environment and Population Needs Balance18

Environment Needs18

Population Needs19

Concluding Remarks19

Strategic Sustainable Development

Answer 1

Mixed Use Development

Mixed use development refers to constructing a suburban, village or urban area where a combination of commercial, residential, institutional, cultural and industrial localities exists (Clark County Washington, 2012, p. 1). Generally, such developments take place on an elevated level and require immense amount of resources and management practices. Since such a huge amount of resources are involved, the level of risk associated is also very high.

Risk Management

Every action has a proportionate amount of risk associated with it; however, some the associated risks can be divided into two heads, as being either controllable or uncontrollable by the management. Moreover, calculating risk and preparing appropriate contingencies is vital for any activity; due to the reason that a little amount of time spent beforehand to prevent future loss might result in thrashing of the entire project.

Risk management refers to identification, analysis and execution of strategic steps to reduce or eradicate the probable possibilities of loss faced by an organization, individual or community (Encyclopedia of Small Business, 2007, p. 971).

Strategic Sustainable Development

Sustainable development refers to adopting activities and strategies which meet the needs of the stakeholders in the present; whereas also protecting, enhancing and sustaining the resources which would be required in the future (Diane Publications, p. 7). Keeping this point of view in mind, it is vital to the developmental project's survival that the associated risks should be evaluated focusing on the concept of strategic sustainable development.

Project's Associated Characteristics

Being the Project Manager of the Mixed-Use Development Project, it is necessary to initially evaluate and highlight different characteristics which are linked with the Project. Major of these characteristics include:

$150 Million Project

The amount of monetary resources put into the development project is enormous. Therefore, it is very much necessary to evaluate the related factors accordingly as well.

Dynamic Width of the Project

The construction would take place on a large island's area. In order to understand the area's surrounding environment and associated risks, it is necessary to evaluate the following:

The neighborhood and residing population of the area.

Law and Order Situation in the area.

Environmental requirements of the area such as heat resistant walls for hot areas.

Economic Conditions of the population and affordability levels.

Funding by International Monetary Fund

International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization ...
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