Strategic Research Analysis

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Strategic Research Analysis- Delta Airlines

Table of Contents



Analysis of Mission Statement3

Analysis of Vision Statement4

SWOT Analysis4





Five forces analysis6

Buyer power6

Supplier power7

New entrants7


Competitive Rivalry7

Intensive Strategies8

Recommended Strategies8


Strategic Research Analysis- Delta Airlines


Delta launched in Louisiana in the late 1920's. The company moved to Atlanta and became known as the southern airline with most national reach. Delta airline is one of the largest companies in the whole airline industry after its merganser with Northwest Airlines. Delta airline is a U.S based company, having the largest reach than any other U.S' airline company. The reach of delta airline is almost all over the world, as it covers its destination in six continents of the world.


Analysis of Mission Statement

According to the mission of Delta airline, the management treats their employees, customers and anyone else directly or indirectly related to the company's operation, are like a joint family. All these participants, not only work for the betterment and revenue of the company, but more importantly for the local and global change through their operations. (Hoover's Online, 2011) The company tends to work for the living standard, where their employees and customers are living and residing. On the other hand, customers are the foremost reputable element for delta airlines. It is the belief of the company, that satisfying the customer should be the primary aim. Finding new customers involves a cost and time for the company. (Hesterly, 2010)

Analysis of Vision Statement

The vision statement of Delta airlines is defining as, ““Delta Cargo will be the preferred choice for our customers' global shipping needs. We invest in people and processes that ensure the reliable movement of freight and information. Our customer commitment is to protectively provide simple and creative solutions that drive our mutual profitability.” The company wants to broaden their service line. They not only want to deliver customers to their destination but are also focusing in the delivery of heavy cargos. (Data monitor website, 2009) The international shipping needs support the worldwide cargo shipment of Delta airlines. Delta airline is moving from not only transporting people to different areas of the world, but also want to transport the cargos of various companies to various places around the world.

SWOT Analysis


Strategic Merger

The leading strength of delta airlines is their merganser with Northwest airlines. After this merger, Northwest and other subsidiaries became a wholly owned subsidiary of Delta. The merganser also increased the company's revenue by $2 billion. The merger of delta helped the company its economic cycle and the global oil prices (Hesterly, 2010).

Consistent Top line growth

Despite the global economic depression, the company has been able to maintain their revenue. The company's revenue had an increase of 18.5% in 2009 as compared to 2008. The increase in revenue was because of its strong performance in the international market. Delta cargo is the largest cargo transporter in U.S.


Overdependence on the North American Market

Delta's revenue is directly dependent on the North American market as the company's 67% of the revenue generated from this ...
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