Strategic Planning At Multistate Health Corporation (Mhc)

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Strategic Planning at Multistate Health Corporation (MHC)

Strategic Planning at Multistate Health Corporation (MHC)

Question 1: MHC's strategy: In line with market position, external environment and strategy alignment

Considering the reputation and the penetration that the company performs in order to maintain sustainability, the company is practically under transition. In line with the changes and the challenges that have been felt and experienced throughout the case, the strategy adopted by MHC is based in alignment with competition that is being felt and experienced over the passage of time.

The two-pronged strategy clearly narrates and describes the kind of tactics and precautionary measures that the company has undertaken not only provided for catering to internal development and streamlining all sub divisions and representative hubs of the company, but that they are able to make way for catering and handling competition at the same time, earning them greater leverage and a better chance to serve the clients that walk in at MHC. In line with the external environment where MHC is operating, the value and the execution of the strategy are effective (Lau, 2002).

With technology and competition being kept in priority, it becomes evident that MHC has kept both internal conditions and external forecasts in consideration that would provide for extracting and solidifying the work processes adopted at the company and also provide for adding to the company's performance and individual employee portfolio.

Question 2: MHC Structure: Fit, Adjustment and Maximization for Strategy Adoption.

MHC has been involved in maintaining a strong association with each division lead by an EVP, divided and categorized into three (3) wings, under which 12, 10 and 8 hospitals are being promulgated that not only would make way for the creation of a streamlined target oriented organization, but also bringing about issues and the problems experienced and witnessed by ...