Strategic Planning

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Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

1. Define your business, products or services, and customers by developing a mission statement; Ensure that you are differentiating your product or service (Chesler, 1992).

For business strategic planning study we select Apple Computer, Inc. in this study we covers business strategic planning, mission and objective of the selected organization. Apple recently develops a number of new products which includes iPod, Apple music store and there is a list of continuing product development strategy (Chesler, 1992).

This organization has a firm mission statement which defines its growth in the challenging innovative market. This organization strategy focuses on retaining the share in the field of education and business world. Apple always tries to increases the production of its range of innovative products.

2. Create a vision for this organization that clearly demonstrates your decision on what you want your business to become in the future.

Apple Inc mission statement clearly demonstrates the strategic business direction for this organization. Apple products are unique, having distinctive appearance and their use is quite simple, these are the qualities which increases the selling trend of Apple computers. If we discuss about the future of Apple Inc, then it's quite obvious that this organization will have a strong growth for its innovative products. In terms of plug and play operations the customers of Apple Inc expect that they continue to enhance their product performance. This trend of growth is Apple's core competency and it enhances the Apple's potential gain share in business market (Davis, 2000).

Recently Apple and IBM jointly developed Motorola PowerPC microprocessor; this product is technically different from Intel processor. This achievement is a marvelous advantage for the organization (Davis, 2000).

3. Define your guiding principles or values for your selected business considering the topics of culture, social responsibility, and ethics.

Business - without these wonderful people, the world will not be filled with many inventions and amazing and wonderful and we have adopted every day. Each of these individuals and a unique approach and structure of the solution of problems and issues, and take advantage of a unique industrial and product design skills, which I think really from outside the penalty area to help them achieve the greatest measure of success for all, and history-making inventions. One entrepreneur who has made a significant impact on the market and also manufacture and design of industrial products, Apple CEO, Steve Jobs.

Steve was born in 1955, is always interested in technology and thinking from one side to resolve the issues. Determined to make a difference in this industry, which he loved, Steve was one of the founders of Apple computer that uses a class leading design industrial products for a number of innovative products and interesting in the market, was one of the products and first used commercially personal computers.

However, it was not all plain sailing for this business, and return as in 1985, Steve came to a crossroads in its work with Apple. And that the parties cannot agree on the best way forward for the company and Steve ...
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