Strategic Planning

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Strategic Planning in Music Events

Strategic planning is a tool targeting macro business objectives in the short, medium and long term in the case of music festivals. A company needs a Strategic Plan to define their lines of action for the whole organization. The development of a Strategic Planning should involve all units of the company and the people who work there should also be involved in the process so that there is an effective commitment to the plans drawn (Brooks, Magnin, & O'Halloran, 2009).

In Strategic Planning defines the goals of growth, market achievements of permanent actions for the company's development of new product lines, goals and results to be obtained.

A Strategic Planning should be constantly revised in order to adjust plans new situations experienced by the company, the external effects of macroeconomic policies that affect the company, but also by internal reflections resulting from the management.

Strategic Planning and supplemental company should design a business plan to be implemented within this period. This plan not only includes the goals contained in the Strategic Plan, will include concrete actions to be implemented for the achievement of company goals for the period. The Business Plan, to be more dynamic, should detail the tasks and distributes them among the business units, indicating their direct responsibility, defining the material, financial and human resources necessary to achieve it, in addition to defining the quality indicators for evaluating management.

This concept has undergone a series of refinements and today without planning a company can not survive. Developing a Strategic Planning increases the likelihood that in the future, the organization is in the right place at the right time. A strategic plan provides a vision for the future. Regardless of the size of the organization, the strategic plan indicates the right direction.

For Drucker, "Strategic planning is a continuous process of systematically and with the greatest possible knowledge of the future contained, current decisions involving risk; systematically organize the activities necessary to implement those decisions and, through an organized and systematic feedback, measure the outcome of these decisions in conflict with the expectations fed (González-Reverté, & Miralbell-Izard, 2009).

“The Strategic Planning process can contain the following elements:

Business Mission and Vision

The trend in defining what is the business, many companies tend to find the answer in the product / service of the organization, this can lead to a myopic mission of what really is the business.

It is wise to analyze the benefit resulting from the product / service. A good example is the company Copenhagen in a myopic - business: chocolates and a strategic business would be described as gifts. The mission statement should reflect the reason for the company; it is usually a short statement, which highlights the activities of the company, since the company's vision is to define where the company wants to be in a certain period of time. These three steps are critical to the process of defining the strategic ...
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