Strategic Planning

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Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

Starting with year overview of institution-specific Strategic Planning Model, this project details Both the Process and Effects of Subsequent planning stages "during the first year of implementation & the appropriate" participation process. Review and Revision Of The planning document

Discussed, are examples Of the Specific Plan's effects on Library operations. Last, suggestions are made for Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Strategic Planning effort from inception through full-fledged implementation.

Reading About the theory and mechanics of Strategic Planning and Reviewing Other Libraries' Strategic Plan, however, are only The First Step toward Achieving a Workable plan for one's own library and garnering support Sufficient to Make the plan a reality. (Robert 2001)

Strategic Planning Model

The Grays Library Unit (GLU) THE FOLLOWING IS Composed of Three Divisions: University Libraries, the Center for Archival Collections & the Instructional Media Services. The last division Physically Is Located outside the Main Library building. While the mission of the Three Divisions Differ considerably, most is notably In the Instructional Media Services' emphasis is production and delivery of audiovisual Materials, They Have in Common the Role of acquiring and handling information.

A five-member task force, not only Representing all divisions of oven across section view of staffing levels (faculty, administrative, and Classified), WAS Appointed by the Dean. Since the dean Was Not a member Of The task force, the acting assistant dean, Who Served as flesh Of The task force, ACTED have a connection Between The Dean & the Task Force members.

Having reviewed several planning models, The Task Force flesh Decided That a Strategic Planning Process Offered the Best approach. With only six months to complete Their Works, task force members Quickly Themselves Acquainted With The Theory and Practice of Strategic Planning by Examining Selected Readings and Other academic units' Strategic Plans (Cope, 2001, 74-96).

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