Strategic Planning

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Strategic Planning of Medical Supplies and Services Group (MSSG)

Strategic Planning of Medical Supplies and Services Group (MSSG)

Strategic Planning

A. Factors That Affect Strategic, Tactical, Operational, And Contingency Planning In A (MSSG)

Regardless of the definition of strategy, the many factors affecting the choice of corporate or competitive strategy, and the factors affecting the criteria to choose the best of the ways of planning and managing good strategies for a (MSSG)there are some fundamental questions to be asked and answered.

These include the following:

Related to Mission & Vision

Who are we?

What do we do?

Why are we here?

What kind of company are we?

What kind of company do we want to become?

What kind of company must we become?

Related to Corporate Strategy

What is the current strategy, implicit or explicit?

What assumptions have to hold for the current strategy to be viable?

What is happening in the larger, social and educational environments?

What are our growth, size, and profitability goals?

In which markets will we compete?

In which businesses?

In which geographic areas?

Related to Competitive Strategy

What is the current strategy, implicit or explicit?

What assumptions have to hold for the current strategy to be viable?

What is happening in the industry, with our competitors, and in general?

What are our growth, size, and profitability goals?

What products and services will we offer?

To what customers or users?

How will the selling/buying decisions be made?

How will we distribute our products and services?

What technologies will we employ?

What capabilities and capacities will we require?

Which ones are core?

What will we make, what will we buy, and what will we acquire through alliance?

What are our options?

On what basis will we compete? (Thompson, 1996).

B. Strategic Planning

Strategic plans are the means used to achieve strategic goals. Developed by top managers, strategic plans generally cover resource allocations and define a broad scope of longer-term organizational actions designed to attain strategic goals (Hax, 1996).

Management's Function In Strategic Planning In The Organization

Most of the business brains accept the vital role of strategic management in today's business, but as we know every issue has always usually two or more aspects. This rivalry view says that “Strategic Management” or “Strategic Planning” is nothing but wastage of time, money, and can reduce the productivity and efficiency of the concerned business.

Strategic management is not a box of tricks or a bundle of techniques. It is ...
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