Strategic Operations

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Strategic Operations


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Operations strategy of Lloyds pharmacy2

Business Strategy of Lloyds pharmacy4

Critical assessment of both operations and business strategy4

Issues in the processes of Lloyds pharmacy5

Drug Bag Management5

Requisition Management6

Signed Stock Order Form6

Use of technology at Lloyds pharmacy7

Critical analysis8

Value chain management at Lloyds pharmacy8

Maintaining quality9

Highly skilled employees10

Cost saving techniques10

Working with partners10

Quality and governance11

Critical analysis11



Report On Analysis Of Strategic Operations


This writing assignment will analyze the strategic operations of Lloyds Pharmacy. The Lloyds pharmacy is a UK based Pharmaceutical with more than 1700 pharmacies which are mostly located in the community and health centers. It ranks 25th in the biggest retail stores of the UK and has more than 16 thousand employees. The turnover of the Lloyds pharmacy is £1.8 billion. The Lloyds pharmacy provides broad range of professional services such as checking blood pressure and delivering prescriptions to the customers. This report will assess the business strategy and operations strategy of the Lloyds pharmacy and find out the critical link between them. Moreover, it would highlight the issues, if any, faced by the organization relating to its operations and the use of technology in their operations. Furthermore, the value chain management and the quality standard check of the products of the organization will also be discussed in this report. This report presents an overall analysis on the strategic operations of the Lloyds pharmacy. The following paragraphs contain the extensive discussion on the various business units of the Lloyds pharmacy which comprises overall strategic operations which are being used by the organization.

Operations strategy of Lloyds pharmacy

The operations strategy of Lloyds pharmacy allows the organization to run all its departments smoothly and efficiently. The operations strategy of the organization comprised diverse strategy for every division, planning and development. The operations strategy allows the management of the organization to make timely and effective decision. All the pharmacies work with cohesion, coordination and cooperation with the main headquarter of the organization. The management of the organization develops strategic goals and passes it on the every single unit of the organization. The operations strategy of the Lloyds pharmacy includes researching, analyzing and sharing the best practices so that all the pharmaceutical units efficiently achieve their goals. It aims to build long term relationships with the pharmaceutical networks which drive the performance of the organization. The strategy focuses on the requirements of the customers and immediately responds to the business needs of the organization.

The operations strategy aims to offer the solutions of the needs of the customers. The chief goal of the management is to let grow the service income by securing the tenders of mental health institutes, hospitals and prison. The Lloyd's operations strategy is to lead and manage the teams of healthcare professionals. The management of the organization set sales and profits targets for every unit and ensures that they can be met without any hindrance. The area managers are responsible for the management of various retail pharmacies and providing value to the customers.

To manage the operations of the organization, management ...
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