Strategic Marketing High Definition Television Manufacturer

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Strategic Marketing High Definition Television Manufacturer


Task 1 Destination Country and Environmental Analysis2

PESTLE Analysis of Sony in Myanmar2

Political Environment:2

Economic Environment:2

Social Environment3

Technological Environment3

Regional Environment3

Legal Environment3

SWOT Analysis4





Porter's 5 Forces Analysis5

1.Threat of New Entrants6

2.Threats of Substitutes6

3.Bargaining Power of Buyers6

4.Bargaining Power of Suppliers7

5.Rivalry amongst Firms7

Task 2 Marketing Mix Strategy8






Strategic Marketing High Definition Television Manufacturer


Sony Corporation is a global manufacturer of games, electronics, entertainment media; it also provides financial services. The company has its headquarters in Tokyo, Japan and is a conglomerate. The Fortune Global 500's ranking of global companies ranks Sony as 87th, as of 2012. The company has four business segments in which it is currently operating: electronics, music, motion pictures as well as financial services. This makes its corporate portfolio well-diversified. It is the world's third largest manufacturer of televisions, with Samsung and LG Electronics ahead of it.

This assignment aims to deliver a strategic marketing report for Sony Corporation, as one of the world's leading High Definition Television Manufacturers. The report is divided into three components: environmental analysis of the country Sony Corporation wishes to enter, a relative marketing mix strategy to enter that market, and a foreign market entry strategy for the company with a focus on social media marketing.

Task 1 Destination Country and Environmental Analysis

Since its establishment in 1946, the company has spread out into a lot of countries worldwide over the years. However, there are a few markets that it hasn't yet ventured into, such as Myanmar, the chosen target market for the company.

PESTLE Analysis of Sony in Myanmar

Political Environment:

Myanmar has a strict political environment with a military regime which provides little freedom to the people. The country's primary source of income is agriculture. Even though Myanmar is a developing country with strained international relations, its GDP still continues to grow at an average of 2.0% per annum.

Sony should consider the change that would be applicable to its import-export policy due to the shift from single to double party system in Japan.

Economic Environment:

Burma is an economically struggling country. All industries are nationalized except agriculture; this includes private companies as well. Sony could use this opportunity to develop favourable terms with the Burmese government in order to gain access to that market. As Japan has also been impacted by the recent global recession, the country needs to decrease its surmounting public debt; Sony could export its products on competitive pricing basis in Burma, given this economic scenario.

Social Environment

Myanmar is a heavily populated country with 4% of Christians and 1% of Muslims. These minorities are denied their basic rights to citizenship and education. Biasness is evident in recruitment procedures as well. The educational system of the country is based on the English system of education. Since Sony's Japanese population is aging, the country should expand into Myanmar.

Technological Environment

Sony could consider venturing into the Burmese market due to the growth prospects of its technological environment. The technological sector is currently under the supervision of the government, therefore developing favourable terms is essential. A persuasive proposition should be presented to the government to provide ...