Strategic Marketing

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Strategic Marketing

Strategic Marketing


Because of the globalization of the marketplace, marketing is more and more important. It becomes a key which help companies or organizations open different markets in different countries or maintain their products as a leader. Before that, it has to make the marketing plan that is the soul of marketing. Therefore, this essay will first indicate the definition of strategic marketing plans. Then it will look at how important the strategic marketing plan is and the role that it plays in a firm or in a strategic business unit (SBU). After this, it will examine the process to make a strategic marketing plan that starts with mission statement. Finally, there will be an analysis of how to control the plan and implement it.

Extreme holidays marketing involves discovering what extreme enthusiasts want (market research), developing suitable tourist services (product planning), telling them what is available (advertising and promotion), and giving instruction where they can buy the services (channels of distribution: tour operators and travel agents) so they will receive value (pricing), and the tourist organization will make a profit and attain its goals (marketability). Extreme holidays marketing management is the setting of marketing goals (considering the resources of the tourism company and the market opportunities) and the planning and execution of marketing activities required to meet the goal. When carried out effectively, extreme holidays marketing management results in creating and fulfilling customers in a manner acceptable to society and leads to profitable growth for the organizations. Mountinho (2001)

Strategic marketing & its importance

Due to adapting to the changeable environment, companies and organizations will formulate their strategies that suit with their current competence and marketplace and maintain them. Therefore, to realize 'what strategic marketing planning is' is necessary. Generally, strategic marketing plan is a plan that informs company what they should do when facing the environment change or other factors. It is made for long term, between three and five years or more. Before starting to introduce the process, it is beneficial to comprehend how strategic marketing is essential for a company and an organization. The practical benefits of it are to increase 'revenue and profit', reduce business 'costs' and enhance 'return and investment.' (McDonald, 2002:28). Indeed, effective strategic marketing plans not only bring economic income or benefits but also give a definite direction to head in.

Wytee's Business Philosophy

In the early 1960, Tony became an 'extreme' sport addict; he was pushing his body to the limits for achieving a 'high' and the all important 'blood rush' with extreme sports, like surf, dive, climb and fall1. He enjoyed this so much, he wanted to share this experience, and so he developed a small retail outlet that offered trips with a difference, 'extreme activities', for small groups.

Tony who was living by his wits established an extreme sport center, called Wytee's. He directed his marketing to select niche audiences, healthy adults with a real adventurous nature and a desire to get away from the 'tourist ...
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