Strategic Marketing

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Strategic Marketing


Marketing Principles2

Role of Strategic Marketing in an Organisation3

Relationship between Corporate Strategy and Marketing Strategy3

Development of Marketing Strategy4

Strategic Analysis5

Approaches to Internal Environmental Analysis6

Approaches to External Environmental Analysis6

Integration of Internal and External Analysis7

Strategic Marketing Decisions and Choices8

Decisions and Choices at Corporate Level8

Influence of the Corporate Level Decisions over Marketing of Business Unit and Functions9

Approaches to Competitive Positioning of Organisations9

Marketing Strategies10

Marketing Strategies Leading towards Competitive Advantage10

Marketing Communication Strategies11

Analysis of Marketing Strategies, Their Application and Implementation for an Organisation12




Strategic Marketing


This paper intends to discuss the significance of strategic marketing. The strategic marketing has become one of the most important phenomenons in today's marketing world. In this particular paper; I have to assume a role of newly appointed marketing professional who is responsible for leading the organisation through the different marketing activities based over various marketing principles and techniques and latest tools. The top management of the company intends to produce and market various new products and services. Therefore, I have been provided with the responsibility to lead the way to enter new markets. The product which is to be marketed is a healthy snack range. This paper remains the first report to be submitted to the top management which focuses over the marketing of new products and services taking into account the economic turbulence. The paper is divided into four different tasks. The tasks would elaborate over the principles of marketing, the strategic analysis, strategic marketing decisions and choices and marketing strategies which can be implemented to achieve competitive advantage. The purpose of this paper is to make the top management aware of different strategic marketing concepts and its significance.

Marketing Principles

Understanding the different principles of marketing is extremely important for exploiting the benefits of strategic marketing. The following marketing principles are important to consider by every organisation before launching its products.

Role of Strategic Marketing in an Organisation

The strategic marketing is extremely important for the survival and success of every organisation. The strategic marketing basically facilitates the organisations in achieving their objectives. The strategic marketing plays as important role in any organisation as any other function like operations, finance, research and development or accounting. The basic essence of strategic marketing is to create value for the products of the organisation.

The products organisation offers and the organisation itself are dependent over the successful strategic marketing. The creation of value, capturing the value and sustaining the created value in the long run remains the basic aim of strategic marketing. The range of activities that the strategic marketing performs ranges from the development of product or service, the marketing of product or service to the customer and also managing the money (Wotruba, 1991 Pp. 1-2).

The function of strategic marketing in an organisation is extremely important. Strategic marketing takes initiatives for effective long term planning for the success of organisation while also dealing with the day to day marketing issues. Managing the current marketing efforts and planning for the successful launch of upcoming products is ensured by the strategic ...
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