Strategic Management

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Strategic Management and Leadership

Strategic Management and Leadership


For the purpose and objective of greatly and significantly understanding the accounts of management and leadership simultaneously and the synergetic outcomes it has, we shall discuss the entire phenomenon of the relationship that exists between the two major heads of the most widely practiced discipline around the globe. Rooting from the prehistoric Roman Emperor to the Egyptian Dynasties to the modern-day political and social setting individuals live in to survive or be it be the World Wars I and II that human races and generations faced and fought at the time, management and leadership have proven key and undoubtedly important for all societies, domiciles, vicinities and individual households to survive accordingly.

Task 1:

1.1 Explain the Link between Strategic Management & Leadership

Management and Leadership have been significantly associated with one another since leading itself is one of the core components of effective management that is, planning, organizing, leading and controlling. The reason leading is a key component is because when employees and groups are required and obliged to follow certain rules and principles set by an authoritative individual or body or organization that runs the entire setup (Caligiuri, 2008, pp. 494). Thus for effective management, strong and effective leadership skills are necessary and inevitably crucial in order for the entire system of conduct, to survive accordingly. Strategic management clearly implies the positioning and undertaking of organizational goals and tailoring them in order to improve the external reputation and portfolio in the overall market.

1.2 Impact of Management and Leadership Styles on Strategic Decisions

We all are aware of the ever-changing styles and forms of leadership styles that all individuals have melded and transformed according to their need, styles, difference or simply inability to adopt or deliver certain traits or qualities required. The three key and distinct styles of leadership:

Autocratic or authoritarian style

As the title suggests, autocratic leadership has been in the books of history and being iterated and continuously practiced by people within a community, organization or even countries around the world. The decisions are being undertaken for the purpose and objective of making effective use of people around the workplace (Hayes, 2003, pp. 53). The suggestions or advices that are being intended by the subordinates are not entertained and that all the final decision making authority rests with the higher authority alone.

Participative or democratic style

This leadership clearly suggests the most effective form of leadership that is being practiced in today's era of rapid development and expansion. In order to make effective and efficient use of individuals that are available as a resource to the organization, the democratic leadership style favours decision-making by the group as shown, such as leader gives instruction after consulting the group.

Laissez-faire or free rein style

This is an open-environment approach to lead the organization. This approach although is commonly suggested as less burdensome on the employee. A free-rein leader does not lead, but leaves the group entirely to itself as shown; such a leader allows maximum freedom to subordinates, that is, they ...
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