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Strategic Management Case Study

Strategic Management Case Study


Marks and Spencer, commonly known by the abbreviation M & S, is a British retail chain, or rather the British chain store par excellence. It is indeed the most emblematic of the United Kingdom since its inception until today. M&S or formerly known as Marks & Spencer Plc is retailer based in united kingdom which has more than 700 retail outlets locations across thirty four countries where the group sells almost everything from clothing to foods under the name and trademark of St. Michael in another 300 outlets in the U.K. Since the inception the company's main aim has been to offer consumers quality, value, and service. The company primarily relied on operating principles to achieve its mission such as to developing long-term relationships with their suppliers, provide their customers value through a narrow merchandise selection at affordable prices and support local industry (De Nardi-Cole 1998).

Almost 50 percent of the company's outlets in the foreign markets are franchised to the local members of the company. This group also owns the apparel wear stores under the name of Brooks Brothers and super markets under the name of Kings Super Markets chain in the US.

Moreover, another aspect of the company Direct mail which helps the company meet their main objective of providing customers with an easier access to their products and also the company provides financial services which comprise of operations of the groups and also provide risk management services, life assurance and pensions to the people (F, 1991,, 34).

M&S as a company has always been known to have a great management support that contributed in its growth. But previously, the company's managers failed to comply on their decisions, leading the group to lower sales and profits. Also the prices per share dropped which affected the shareholders insecurity (F, 1991,, 34).

Q1: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the mergers/acquisitions and/or the Joint Ventures/Strategic Alliances undertaken by the company since the 1990's. Have these strategies been successful?

Mergers and acquisitions, take place to join two or more companies to be one. Usually this is done to help companies be successful as they are combined. It is usually much easier to close for two or more companies, instead of creating a company to a new one from scratch. This is another advantage when companies merge. This corporate strategy will do well as an M & A firms often to help the growth and efficiency of the other companies. All companies involved in a merger within the Union, which is adsorbed to acquire new business. In an acquisition, a business of another bought, bought all the assets of the company that ownership of the company has to have. This strategy is often a boon for smaller companies. All parties, whether the Board or in the case of private property owners to reach an agreement on mergers and acquisitions. If the new company is formed, listening to the original company to exist and all assets and associated ...
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