Strategic Management

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Strategic Management

BA (Hons) Business

Strategic Management


Date for Submission: 27th January 2011


The study is based on strategic management theories which are applying in the companies. The company which has been selected for this study is the is a sound growing company it comes in the star Quadrant of BCG matrix which shows that the company is growing and showing a good potential to work in future as well. The theories / approaches which may follow for their future development are product development and market penetration.

Here is the outline which will be cover the answers of the Questions which were asked in this study.

Mintzberg Model.

The mintzberg model gives the clear idea that how the organization can make the corporate strategy and here are some roles and decision making criteria which could help in formulating corporate strategy.

BCG and the product life cycle models.

BCG Matrix is a model of the "growth rate - the share of the market" and characterizes the position of the organization by positioning relative to all other organizations already operating in certain markets. In some editions of the product life cycle begins with the stage of its development, rather than entering the market.

Financial crisis affected the portfolio

This will define that how the is affected by the financial crisis, and what actions they have taken to come out from this crisis situation, and ways by which came out from crisis, and adopted deliberate and emergent strategies will also be discussed in the report. Strategic Management

Consider Mintzberg's model of intended and realized strategy, and discuss the extent to which corporate strategy can be planned, and the extent to which it emerges.

The mintzberg model gives the clear idea that how the organization can make the corporate strategy and here are some roles and decision making criteria which could help in formulating corporate strategy. Interpersonal roles: head - the formal (assigned) the head, in the role of a manager can possess formal authority, but without being a leader, Leader - the actual head, the head of which surround the subject because he has the inner strength and wisdom, charisma. Link - we are talking about the organization of interaction between employees and departments, resolving and preventing conflicts. (Eisenhardt, 2004)

Informational roles: collector - collects and evaluates information, this may be how the information outside the company (customers, suppliers, regulatory authorities), and inside the company, the information can be both formal and informal, Distributor - provides the information flows within units and organizations, in particular, the head creates a system of programmed decisions for subordinates. (Eisenhardt, 2003)

Representative - transmit information outside the units and organizations; for example, is involved in negotiations with buyers or suppliers. Role in decision-making: Initiator - makes decisions about changes and how they will implement one of the most important points here need to remember that any development this change, but not any change - the development of (the author does not remember) Eliminators problems - in any job there are problems, and very importantly, how quickly and ...
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