Strategic Management

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Strategic Management


This paper is about the operation of senior manager who is operating an organization in comparison with Apple, Inc. It is necessary for the manager to know the strength and weakness of other competitors. This paper consists of SWOT analysis of Apple, Inc. and designing of strategies to compete with it. SWOT analysis of this company provides different clandestine to design new and competitive strategies for a new corporation.

Strategic Management


Businesses that have a sound strategy, the probability of survival and achievement will increase. Survival involves constant change and development of the organization and its products and services. Strategy is not something static. Changes happen all the time in an organization. Therefore, it is important to have adopted good strategy making in business and that managers are able to exercise strategic leadership through an overview of the important factors internal and external to the business and how they can change.

Strategic management is based on the understanding of trends, customers, competition, technology systems, society, and not least their own and their partners' business model and processes. Apple Computers was founded in 1974 by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs in Cupertino, California. The name was given in honor of the Apple record label founded by the Beatles, since they were both fans of the British rock. After 30 years the company name was changed to Apple Inc because they were no longer produced computers only. Currently, Apple is famous for its innovative products of excellent quality, including the Macintosh, Mac Book, iPod, iPhone and more recently the iPod.


Apple is one of the biggest hardware and programming on the planet, was established in 1976 as scholars its originators Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Everything began with the Apple I, Wozniak made by in his extra time. The companions chose to attempt to offer the venture to the organizations Hp and Atari, however both denied it, saying that PCS might have no destiny in the business. View the doubt of substantial organizations in their work, the team chose to transform workstations with their own particular assets and its own particular account. The Apple I was not as successful, were sold about 200 units, $ 666 each.

SWOT Analysis


The name of Apple is generally chosen as a novel mark. It is one of the most recent emphasizing IT Company on the planet. Fruit has extraordinary clients and the classification of individuals. It indicates that Apple does not have need to contract new clients available to be purchased. It offers most recent outlines with sharp specialty of assembling. It spurs and lures the consideration of its clients and normal open to purchase and delight in its rich outline. Fruit has biggest requisition library, which are composed by its own particular individuals and masters.

Innovative marketing is one of the most important strength of this company. It is ceaselessly creating bigger incomes with time as contrasted with past business year. Fruit has solid office with the end goal of examination and advancement (Mishra, ...
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