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Strategic Analysis: Dyson Company

Strategic Analysis: Dyson Company



Dyson Ltd is a machinery and equipment manufacturing firm based in UK. This firm was founded by James Dyson in the year 1993. Currently it is taking part in the global market as well by serving in 50 different countries and has currently employed around three thousand employees. The firm is surviving in the market on the basis of the technology of the machinery. The firm claims that its products functions in far better way than the products manufactured by other companies. The founder of the firm James Dyson popularly developed the around five thousand models and samples of his first machine which was the vacuum cleaner. He developed those models in the workshop that was located behind his house. These models were developed in order to make one perfect working vacuum cleaner.


In the year 1971 when James Dyson was repairing his wheelbarrow, he discovered several problems in his property. He discovered that the wheel sank into the mud and cement which made the wheel unstable and resulted into many punctures. This made him think to resolve the problems in the wheel barrow. He followed the trial and error method and finally after three years he was able to develop a prototype which was much better than the conventional wheelbarrow. He used a ball instead of the wheel and the whole model was of fiber glass. This was the birth of Ball Barrow (, 2013).

In the same year that is in 1974 Dyson purchased a vacuum cleaner in which he found problems, as well. The vacuum cleaner was used to clog very quickly which made him frustrated. He discovered that the dust gathered upon layer of the mesh inside the bag of the vacuum cleaner. He also discovered that this was the primary problem which was hindering the functioning of the machine. Considering all this he decided to develop a better vacuum cleaner. He used different techniques and ways in order to increase the capacity of the vacuum cleaner. After so many trails and failures he was successful to develop a model or a prototype which worked in much better way than the normal vacuum cleaner which he purchased. He created a first vacuum cleaner without the bag (, 2013).

After this, he kept on developing different samples and models, and it took him around five years to create five thousand model of the vacuum cleaner. The first model he developed which was based on the red blue machine made him successful to some extent. He tried to get the license for the machine, but the larger firms did not allow him to get the license because the vacuum cleaner model was a big threat to those firms. In the year 1983, a Japanese company named Apex approved and certified the idea of Dyson. The company built a product which was named G- Force. It was a unique invention which had an attachment in it used to make it a table in ...
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