Strategic Management

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Strategic Management Assignment A

Strategic Management Assignment


In today's highly competitive environment, organizations whether large or small need to develop a long term global strategy which focuses upon continuous learning and improvement. In the competitive baby-care products industry, it is highly crucial for the organization to identify the internal and external forces which make it difficult for the organization to achieve long term competitive advantage. The dynamic forces in the environment such as changing trends, fashions and demographics are a serious concern for the organization and should be tackled through effective strategic management where human resource is utilized for achieving organizational success. Most importantly, organizational change is required in the entire organization where the achievement of competitive advantage is done through finding a strategic fit. Organizational change is the key to develop a learning organization where the environmental forces can be dealt effectively. Driving forces of change are versatile and dynamic. These potential forces of change internal to an organization provide an excellent framework for improving performance level of an organization. With the help of these forces management can create a strategic vision, mission, goals and objectives for necessary change and improvement. Moreover, the organization can exercise its control with efficacy to pursue goals and opportunities that contribute to its growth (Hsu & Tsuen, 2000).

Environmental Analysis

Managers all over the world are continuously engaged in bringing about organizational change to bridge the gap between organization's performance and customer needs and expectations. Radical change is possible in every organization if appropriate methods and techniques are employed with the greater objective of attaining excellence. However, in the process of improving organizational success there are motivated by six major types of environmental pressures which need to be dealt through strategic management approach. These are fashion pressures, economic pressures, political pressures, credibility pressures, market decline pressures, competitive forces pressures and reputation pressures. Change is inevitable for an organization's growth and environmental pressures are the impetus to bring about this change. No organization can survive long without an inherent desire from its managers to implement change for the greatest benefit of whole organization. With managers envisaging organizational change, half the battle is already won and the remaining half can also be won by adopting a rigorous approach to alter the status quo.

The Importance of Achieving Strategic Fit

The strategic human asset management methodology is making another vision for efficacious organizations to come to be proficient in acclimating to both inside and outer progressions. Other crux elements, for example communication additionally assume a fundamental part when joined into the business system to give a successful base for representatives and bosses to realize organizational goals viably while realizing economical focused focal point.

It is quite significant to accomplish a strategic fit keeping in mind the end goal to survive intense in the infant consideration industry where compelling rivalry is occurring in the global markets. To administer an organization is exceptionally testing avocation in light of the fact that in toddler forethought industry, acclimating to change and upgrading the ...
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