Strategic Management

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Strategic Management

Aer Lingus

Revised Vision

To promise best value for the customers money by offering them unmatched quality of service at highly competitive rates while also keeping.

Revised mission statements

To maximize profits in any markets we enter while at the same time creating value for our customers by offering them the best value for their money.

Ryanair's Strategy

The annual reports published by Ryanair clearly indicate a major shift in the company's strategy in terms of conducting operations in the global market. For instance, the company has traditionally worked on expanding its clientele by offering high quality of services to its customers and at a very competitive price. However, with the changes in economic conditions following the economic recession, there has been a major shift in the preferences of the consumers. The global recession has had a strong impact on the price sensitivities of consumers across the globe and, as a result, they have become more prudent in how they spend their hard-earned money. Therefore, Ryanair has changed its strategy in order to adapt to the changes in the business environment. Today, the business follows a “low-cost strategy” in that it maintains the high standard of quality that it has traditionally maintained when offering services to its customers. However, the amount that Ryanair charges for these services is significantly low when compared with other businesses operating in the industry. This is the main factor that has encouraged consumers to stay loyal to the business since they believe that they are getting the same value as that offered by other competitors but at a much reduced price. Another effective strategy used by the business is “differentiation strategy”. This is because Ryanair has been very successful at differentiating its brand from that of its major competitors by offering consumers services at such low costs that are not offered by any other airlines.

Aer lingus' Strategy

The focus of Aer Lingus' strategy is on maximizing its customer base by providing high quality services. Therefore, the primary focus of the strategy is on maintaining the quality of services while putting less emphasis on the price that the business charges for the services it offers to its consumers. Today, Aer Lingus is identified as a type of 'luxury brand' when it comes domestic flights. Therefore, the company has differentiated itself and its services from its major competitors by maintaining catering to the luxurious lifestyle of the consumers and offering them better comfort ...
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