Strategic Management

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Strategic Management Case Study: 2007 - early 2009

Strategic Management Case Study: 2007 - early 2009


Introduction to strategic management

In today's fast pace of competition, the importance of strategic management to the companies has further increased to achieve the competitive position among the competitors in the industry. The strategic management has major impact upon the management and the business processes of the companies. In strategic management processes, there are various essential steps that are required to be taken by the managers and leaders of the companies. It provides the framework and the basis to the managers upon which they can carry out their business activities (Wilson, I., 1998, pp. 507) and provide the companies with the ultimate success and growth. The managers and the leaders are required to carry out each step effectively so that they can achieve their desired goals and objectives that can have ultimate impact upon the success, growth and profitability of the company. In strategic management processes, the managers of the companies develop the strategies and they establish the decisions by evaluating the impact of decisions on the management and business processes (Anthony H., 2008, pp. 330). The evaluation of the strategic decisions is made in view of the desired business goals and objectives.

The development of the strategic management approaches requires the careful consideration of the business goals, objectives as well the capabilities of the companies (Anthony H., 2008, pp. 440). The strategic approaches are required to be in aligning with that of the missions and objectives of the company. In today's era of modernization and competition, one of the reasons behind the successful companies is the strategic management that they follow in their business operations.

Introduction to

The use of information technology has allowed many companies to operate their businesses over the internet. is one of the largest companies that are operating their businesses over the internet. This leading company was established by Jeffrey P. Bezos in the year 1994. It is the American based e-commerce company whose headquarter is based in Washington. is the world's leading online retailer that is selling various types of products. The company is operating with several major websites in more than two hundred countries all around the world. Initially, the started its business with the online book store and later on the company expanded its online product category. The company has expanded its product category in the CDs, furnishings, groceries, movies and the toys. The company is now also involved in the selling of jewelleries through its online processes.

There are various factors that are behind the success of the The expansion and the diversification of the product category over the internet have given many challenges to the and in order to deal with such challenges, has established it strategic approaches to carry out its business processes successfully. Due to the implementation of effective and efficient strategic management approaches, the company has achieved the heights of growth and ...
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