Strategic Management

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Strategic Management

Strategic Management

Strategic Management

The Strategic management is based on human capital as the basis for the organization, directs the production activity to consumer demand, responsive and conducts timely changes in the organization, meets the challenges of the environment and allows us to achieve competitive advantage, all of which enables the organization to survive in the long term, while achieving their goals. The objects are of strategic management organization, strategic business units and functional areas of the organization. The problems of strategic management often arise as a result of numerous external factors. So in order to avoid mistakes in choosing a strategy, it is important to define what economic, political, scientific, technological, social and other factors have an impact on the future of the organization. (Allaire,2007)

What is Competitive Intelligence? What are the four objectives of such an effective program discuss their dimension and correlate their effectiveness on firm's strategy?

Competitive intelligence is to monitor (legally) all information published, broadcast or available on one or more competitors. The four objectives are

Knowing developments and strategic choices of its competitors,

Be informed of innovations, movements of senior executives, financial statements, Monitor the content posted by its competitors (news, blogs, etc)

Position related to its competitors in terms of product, communication strategy development or geographical).

Do not be caught unprepared.

Description of Competitive Intelligence

The IC defines the competitive environment in which the company is involved. Evaluation of intelligence is made ??from those forces and factors that make this environment including competitors, customers, products, industry structure which belong and the elements on which they rely to compete: innovation in products, adoption of new technologies in their processes, collaborative projects in R + D + I. This is a different approach (and complementary) of people do marketing. By combining them, you can determine how competitors react to changes environment, including strategies to conduct the business in question.

It generates 4 inputs for the organization to prevent this weakness becomes a vulnerability attack feasible competition. Using intelligence to implement the strategy and adjust to the competitive environment changing particularly when you introduce a new strategy, it is vital to learn how competitors react and markets. Thus, it may validate the effectiveness of the strategy, and eventually begin to make the necessary changes possible attacks by opposing companies. Determining when the strategy is no longer tenable by tracking the effectiveness of the strategy through its intelligence function Competitive, to detect changes in organization or products competitor is necessary to evaluate the potential effect on the performance of the company, and Then, make the corresponding changes to strategy. (Brody, 2008)

What Particular Conditions MNCs Face in Emerging Market, That May Require Specialized Strategies, Appropriate Strategies to Identify Opportunities in Low- income Market?

MNCs have wonderful prospective for improved sales and market share in the emerging markets. The countries which are facing rapid changes, for example privatizations, the MNCs in these countries have received great support by the governments. Nonetheless there are considerable risks linked to the underdevelopment of the institutional systems, marked in dishonesty, poor law enforcement and ...
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