Strategic Management

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Strategic Management

Strategic Management

B. Competitive Strategy

General Technology can improve or erode its position in its sector through the choice of strategies, for it is considered necessary to establish competitive strategies related to IT that they made and that in turn gives value to their business processes. According to Porter, all activities related to the technology comprise values, practical procedures, methods or technology integrated into process equipment. The technologies used in the majority of enterprises are diverse, ranging from those used to prepare documents and to transport goods to those that are incorporated into the product itself. Moreover, securities activities generally serve as a technology that combines several sub-technologies where some scientific disciplines come together. Firstly, it is necessary to briefly outline the theory of Porter through which will be the establishment of generic competitive strategies, adapting them to turn to the theory of O'Brien and Marakas to be linked with IT (Ansoff, 1979).

General Technology has developed some strategies related to IT that are part of the typology presented by Porter to occupy a competitive position in the sector and offset the forces mentioned above. These generic competitive strategies are known as: cost leadership, differentiation and focus or concentration. In relation to cost leadership strategies, General Technology is striving to achieve the lowest costs of production and distribution, so that to allow lower prices than its competitors and cover a large part of the market (Ansoff, 1979). Porter notes that through the implementation of these strategies, sources of advantage are varied and are subject to the industry structure, which may be the search for economies of scale, patent technology, preferential access raw materials and other factors (Gereffi, Humphrey, et al, 2005).

Remarkably, the development of cost-based strategies in the use of IT, General Technology can achieve to be competitive with its customers, suppliers, as well as existing competitors in the technology sector. On this subject, Porter notes that "information technology not only affects the way one performs each of the individual activities, but through new flows of information, dramatically increases the ability to exploit the links between activities, both outside and inside the company" (Ansoff, 1979).Thus, we proceed to classify strategies on IT-related costs, which have succeeded in developing the General Technology, based on the strategies outlined by O'Brien and Marakas. Strategies that show an orientation towards cost leadership were:

Also, General Technology improve quality and efficiency of activities with IT, to facilitate administrative processes and procedures as well as the management of other organizational processes, agreeing with the statement made by O'Brien and Marakas noting that allows IT investments to ensure their customers and suppliers, to develop valuable relationships with them or significantly improve the quality of service delivery activities, marketing, sales and services at General Technology (Freeman, 1984).

Along with the above strategies, General Technology develops strategies addressed in the IT supported to reduce the costs associated directly with customers and suppliers, using the attributes that have IT to offer products and / or services that are more attractive for the ...
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