Strategic Management

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Strategic Management

Table of Contents


Benefits and Pitfalls on Developing the Web Technology2

Key Strategic Decisions and Options5

How It Can Gain Sustainable Competitive Advantage8

Implementation Challenges11




Strategic Management


Companies are turning to electronic commerce in order to improve the productivity of entire organization. Not all companies are eager to join the wave of electronic commerce. There are three main constraints: High Cost, Security Problem, and the issues of immature or nonexistent software's. The use of information technology and electronic commerce has increased the considerably and in the future will be even greater. Information technology is now used as part of corporate strategy. The most successful companies will be handled by people who are able to develop strategic applications that provide competitive advantages. Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to advice the asos board of directors to implement the web based technologies more actively in the national and global market.

Benefits and Pitfalls on Developing the Web Technology

Ecommerce is the method of selling and buying services, goods and items online. People belonging to successful ecommerce businesses generally stick to some simple rules. They start by looking for something to sell. Then they look for a proper platform from where they can sell. They go through a system by which purchasers pay them, by creating professional email addresses to build up effective communication systems with people and use promotional stuff to expand their businesses.

I will insist my organization that the e-commerce is changing the consumption patterns such as now there are no geographical boundaries for online businesses and our customers are increasingly demanding, which needs the product delivery in lesser time and they seems to be more knowledgeable. Therefore, interaction with the business and individual customers is essential through multiple channels and communication patterns. It is bidirectional and, although we have no physical contact with them, we know more than ever. Within this open stage, the smallest can compete. E-commerce increases the speed and accuracy with which there can be "to businesses," including the exchange of information reduces the cost to the parties to the transactions. Electronic commerce has boomed since the late twentieth century and some estimates indicate that by 2020 online commerce will be bigger than the traditional.

In order to understand the opportunities that provide companies with the interaction of inter-firm automation technology via the Internet (Business-to-Business or B2B), the asos (discover fashion online) must at least briefly consider the basic principles of such systems and their integration with suppliers and customers. The main objective of B2B and B2C systems at the asos must be to improve the efficiency and interaction between the consumers and companies in the market place (Sam, 2010).

The asos must engage in the B2C and B2C e-commerce activities in order to cater the maximum market share of we based clothing business.

The aim of Corporate Information Systems (EIS) at the asos must be to create a B2B system, by automating and optimizing the processes of interaction between departments within the company, and to enhance effective collaboration with suppliers and ...
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