Strategic Leadership And Future Leaders

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Strategic Leadership and Future Leaders

Strategic Leadership and Future Leaders


Certain professions and jobs require particular and exact characteristics, which are essential for fulfilling the job requirements successfully. For instance, the employees have to be obedient and efficient, and should put their best efforts in the organization in order to produce the best possible results. Similarly, leaders must be influential and should have the quality convincing people to follow them and do as they say: this is the basic character that distinguishes a leader from another ordinary person. Moreover, extent of success of the leader is also dependant on the extent of influence he can exert on others. This implies that the more influential the leader is, the more followers he would get and more successful he would be. A look at history also shows that all the prominent and successful leaders of the world had immense influential powers and had the quality of making other follow their orders wholeheartedly and do as they say, thus getting things done in the way they wanted to and changing the path of history. The following paragraphs would focus on the importance of influential powers and would also highlight the leadership styles of three prominent and well-known leaders, in order to make the concept clear with practical examples.


Concept of Influence Processes

It is a well known fact that leaders come to screen whenever people need an individual to lead and guide them, telling them what should be done under the given circumstances in order to obtain the desired results. However, the question arises, why do people follow one particular person and not the others? The answer to the question is simple, yet it contains a whole philosophy behind it: the leader is able to influence others, by adopting particular influence mechanisms and make them follow a particular vision. All the great leaders in adopted the same approach in order to guide individuals to follow one particular goal in the way directed by them, thus leading the whole nation towards the desired cause (Glanz, 2002). The power of influence can be high enough to make people forgo of everything they have in order to follow the path directed by the leader, even their life, if the circumstances demand. This implies that the extent and power of influence is beyond and limit, and the influence process is the basic key to leadership. It is eminent to mention here that ...
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