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Strategic Information Technology (IT) Project

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Strategic Information Technology (IT) Project


Flyaway Inc.

Flyaway is an organisation based in Seattle, Wahington and deals in the information technology sector. The organisation started its operations in 2000. The company aims to operate globally by starting its operations in different countries around the world. The organisation aims to become the leader in the international market in the IT sector. There are around 1000 employees currently working at Flyway Inc. in different location of the world. The company had intially started its operation as a medium level organisation (Longley, Dennis, et al, 2012).

The objective of the organisation is to deliver superior value to its clients, by providing them with projects of quality that is superior than the quality being offered by competitors. The team aims to propose a project that would help in promoting effectiveness in terms of cost, delivering even better quality and complete execution of the project in relation to the requirements of the clients (Nebiu, 2002).


This project will help us in providing the clietn with the ultimate solution that would be Travel Smart Card (Pty) Ltd. This will be a better version of the intial propossal that was delivered to the client. Moreover, this proposal will include each and every content that was present in the initial document, only with some imporvements in it. This proposal will be a compete outline of the project, which would define each and every aspect of the clients business and system requirement (Smith, 1997). Furthermore, it can be said that this is a proposal that will be most suitable for the client, which can also be modified in the future, in accordance with the clients and projects requirements.

Strategic information technology (IT) project

Project management

It can be said that the project at hand is complex and possesses technical requirements. Therefore, it can be said that there is a need for highly skilled professionals having experience in the same field, so that they will be able to execute the requirements of the project in an effective and efficient manner (Isbell, Charles, et al, 2009).

Therefore, considering the kind of skills required for the proper execution of this project, it can be said that there is a special need for a project manager, who can deal with these requirements and the overall project, as well. The person leading this project would be termed as project coordinator. He will be responsible for each and every aspect related to this project, starting from the initiation of the project to the complete and effective execution of it. He will also have to manage the project in such a manner that that the project is completely executed in time, with the minimum cost and the highest level of quality (Munns and Bjeirmi, 1996).

Project execution

The project will initially be implemented in 13 cities based in 9 different countries, where the client is located. This initial phase of the project will consume upto 225 days, making it around 45 weeks. A total of 15 work cites ...
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