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Strategic Importance Of Israel

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Strategic Importance of Israel

Strategic Importance of Israel


Every state in the world has its own history, their own line of development and its place in the world. It is not in doubt. Of the more than two hundred of which exist in the world, there is quite similar to each other. There is a related state such as Russia and Ukraine, or the like, for example, China and Taiwan, but there's two very similar states. This means that each state has its place in the world. This statement seems trivial. However, the triviality of hiding rather trivial conclusion, if we consider the position of any state not only in foreign policy or international trade, and in a broader sense: participation in the development of the world. For example, consider the situation in the world in a country like Russia. Is it central to the whole world? The answer suggests itself. First, Russia is the holder of very large stocks of fuel and raw materials that are of great importance for the development of world production. Second, Russia is the holder of a large area of fertile land and fresh water. Third, Russia has a powerful and well-developed industrial complex, built under the Soviet regime (Sweeney, 2001).

It is appropriate to the difference between the concept of Israeli nation and the state as such, since the former is characterized by a people whose customs and common goals, while the second requires a population, territory and political constitution.

The nation of Israel has existed as the biblical accounts, shortly after the beginning of time, alternating your instance by different regions of Asia, Africa, Europe and America, and interacting with other people, sometimes peaceably, as many violently. The state of Israel, consisting of this nature by the UN on May 14, 1948 at the end of the mandate of the United Kingdom, for problems between Arabs and Jews. It is a state is democratic, parliamentarian with approximately seven million people, mostly Jews and minority Arabs. Formally established borders with Egypt and Jordan and Syrian borders and Palestine made. With study based on the model of geopolitical John A. Agnew we take the speech by the Prime Minister on 17 Eduh Olmert July 2006, is silent on the provocations of the enemies who threaten and misinterpret the will of the Israeli nation to conclude a peace agreement as a sign of weakness. Olmert clarifies that although states are not those advocating armed acts of terrorist groups, the first are also responsible for the actions of the latter in that it is permissive with their formations. "We do not seek confrontation nor war, but in case you need not hesitate". He calls upon the Israeli people to motivate the armed forces, raising its effort to protect the state and encourages investment of financial and human resources to the defense of the state, i.e. weapons, research and quality of life of citizens. Later he ends his speech by stating the basis on which the state must support their ...
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