Strategic Implementation

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Strategic Implementation

Strategic Implementation


This paper discusses the various aspects and perspectives of strategic management in implementation phase. It is often noted that implementation is the most difficult aspect of Strategic Management. It further elaborates the capabilities, systems and structure and leadership, people & culture change management. The potential strengths/weaknesses or benefits/limitations of strategy implementation within the organization are illustrated according to the relevant concepts and models including McKinsey 7-S Framework or Hubbard's modified McKinsey 7-S Framework.


Strategic implementation includes shaping procedures for decision making and for effective utilization of assets. Asset arranging and its fitting use are vital for associations to be proficient in their specialty. It helps an association answer critical inquiries like their main thing, for whom and how they might as well go about doing it. Associations depend on key arranging, for instance any possible association, if working for benefits or generally. Vital arrangements are enduring plans and characterize the precise objectives of the association. Subsequently, it is of enormous significance to be sure about what precisely association plans to do. Decision making is exceptional key here. Fitting suggestion and in particular accessible of legitimate innovation to help the organization is fundamental.

General Motors (GM) Company Background

The General Motors (GM) Company is a worldwide mark distinguished through its activities and present day automobiles industry. It is an eminent mark in the processing, advancement, promoting of automobiles, trucks, and car parts. They are essential occupied with the processing managing in retail and armada vehicles. The business sector techniques connected by GM on their primary advertises ends up being essentially solid to leave the marking impacts on the general population. Their a percentage of the principle ecological activities incorporate All-electric vehicles, Flexible-fuel vehicles, Hydrogen activity, Battery packs for electric vehicles, and Hybrid electric vehicles. There is a colossal business crevice recognized by the GM Company in the car business. Consequently, they revealed in a decent amount in the business sector around their few contenders, for example Ford.

Strategy Implementation

There were basically three strategic issues faced by the company while striving to capture the large share of the market.

1.GM's priority and foremost concern became to stop losing revenue while it was the company's sixth straight quarterly loss. The efficiency and productivity would be generally affected by the reducing the cost in every level of the company.

2.Second strategic issue was to increase the sales when facing falling prices, rising health-care cost, and higher fuel prices. This was backed by the conservation of money expenditure of consumers in poor economic conditions. This consequently posed a higher challenge to raise the sales in such downturn conditions.

3.Another challenge was to expand and regain the existing customer base. This was also important issue for the company. This requires the careful study of the marketing strategies to regain the customers. The great opportunity to expand the market share was to appeal those people who have not considered a GM brand in the past.

The budgetary imperatives of the organization has made boundaries in the operations ...
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