Strategic Human Resource Management In Tourism And Hospitality - Malaysia Airlines

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Strategic Human Resource Management in Tourism and Hospitality - Malaysia Airlines

Strategic Human Resource Management in Tourism and Hospitality - Malaysia Airlines


Strategic HRM is an important aspect of any organization to work effectively. The process is applied on all the parts of the organization in order to ensure that the entire system works effectively. The following paper discusses Strategic Human Resource Management with respect to Malaysian Airlines.


Role of Strategic HRM in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry

The Human resource management is a logical and a more tactical approach towards the managerial issues of the most important and esteemed property of an organization, that is, its workforce and the people who work there and who jointly as well as independently contribute, and strive to achieve the objectives and goals of the organization. All the functions, methods and procedures concerning the development and recruitment of workforce as human resources, by keeping in mind the aim of achieving greater output and efficiency in any organization (Kayode, 2012). It is the application and perspective of the procedures and policy which directly engage all the people who are working within the working group and task team. These policies and procedures include career development, training, personal development, repayment, maintenance and recruitment. It is considered as the most effective and efficient use of HRM so as to improve managerial performance (Kayode, 2012).

As far as the tourism and hospitality industry is concerned, human resource management plays a very important and crucial role. Based on the work within the hotel industry, the arguments which generally portray the hotel industry as non-strategic and backward are now quiet outdated, especially where much larger hotel establishments are considered and concerned.

It is a very common knowledge all over that performance as well as the implementation of the human resource management is now being established in almost all of the organizations whether they are small, medium or large scale organizations (Kayode, 2012). The human resource managers in the contemporary world have a very direct and influential control over the judgment as well as the strategic directions of both the private as well as public sector corporations. Tourism is basically that broad road which drives the related and concerned indicators and factors within the local economies and also the national economies (Kayode, 2012). Moreover, the hospitality organizations are generally motivated by the public and also the private sector practices and policies regarding tourism.

The increase and the advancement of the telecommunication technologies and also the development and growth of the multinational hospitality companies and organizations has been one of the biggest reasons in generating a much better understanding of the policies and procedures of tourism on a worldwide level. In addition to that, sustainable tourism can be termed as a long term and a mutual system approach in order to maintain and establish a much pleasant and healthy relationship among the many hospitality and travel related companies and also the environmental, cultural and social aspects that are generally considered to be associated along with the tourist destinations and ...