Strategic Human Resource Management

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Strategic Human Resource Management

Strategic Human Resource Management


This paper discusses the different perspectives and viewpoints of vital human capital administration relating to the degree to which key HRM can help organizations and associations confront current challenges. These organizations incorporate hospitality industry, for example lodgings and resorts. Vital human resource management assumes a crucial part in associations. It is additionally answerable for helping the administration association in confronting problems. Subsequently, human resource management is critical in each association. The main function of any hotel is to provide accommodation for those who are away from their residence, although nowadays the hotels offer many other products and services aggregates, as a way to better serve its customers and ensure competitiveness in the tourist market. They are very tied to the concepts of tourism and hospitality is the term hospitality.


The service organizations, especially accommodation management, require quality human resource because of the way of business. This intimates the prevalent models of key human resource administration. Issues happen in this industry which might be determined by the usage of principles of vital human resource to help the administration associations confront current challenges. According to Castelli (2010, p.149), the hospitality can be considered as an exchange contemporary, characterized by reciprocity (welfare) between the parties involved, i.e., the hospitality can be developed between supply and demand of products and services tourism, among which we highlight the relationship between travel agent and customers.

The hospitality industry is directly linked to that of the same name, which now becomes a product (tangible aspects); sometimes turns into services (intangibles), sometimes referring to the satisfactory interaction between the city and the people who visit move it, sometimes referring to the safety, comfort physiological and psychological consumer through physical structures found in cultural and tourism destination, such as a hotel or a tourist attraction (Harrison, 2003). The hospitality industry is also closely linked to travel and tourism. Tourism activity can be regarded as a journey and recreation or promotion and preparations for such a journey. The tourism and hospitality industry are so interrelated that some associations and leaders consider the combination of hospitality with tourism as a single major industry - tourism industry and hospitality (Jones, 2004).

The hospitality management includes:

Hosting Services - resorts, convention hotels, hotels / motels, institutions and clubs

Recreation Services

Services related to travel (tourism) - travel agencies and operators

It can be stated that an organization is structured and its employees communicate to provide hospitality for today or any other type of service will be decisive in the characterization of their care and quality of services, because the structure and the communication will identify, profile, personality and culture of the organization, which will be reflected directly on the image that the client will have of the company that will provide tourist services.

Strategic Human Resource Management

The Human Resources Division no longer a mere department staff to become key part of change within an organization (Becker, 1999). Not long ago, the human resources department was acting mechanistic vision of where ...
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