Strategic Human Resource Management

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Strategic Human Resource Management



Strategic Human Resource Management1

Purpose of Strategic Human Resource Policies in Organization2

Recruitment and Placement Policies2

Training and Development Policies2

Compensation Policies2

Employee relationship policies2

Retirement policies3

The Impact of Regulatory Requirements on HR Policies of Tesco3

Recruitment and Selection3

Training and Development4

Employee Relation4

Reward and Benefits4


Impact of an Organizational Structure of Tesco on the HRM & Sainsbury5

Impact of an Organizational Culture of TESCO on the HRM6

How the Effectiveness of Tesco HRM is monitored6

Recommendations with justification7


Self Evaluation8

Part 18

Part 28

Performance Rating8

Strategic Human Resource Management


In today's businesses, the overall performance of an organization is affected by the right approaches and management of employees (, p. 2). The central aim of Strategic human resource is to develop capabilities of organization by certifying that the organization has the motivated, skilled and committed employees in order to achieve the goals (Anonymous, 2011, p. 1). There are two main objectives of SHRM. The first objective is to integrate the strategies of human resource with the business strategies. The second objective of SHRM is to provide the logical direction so that the business and individual and collective needs of employees can be achieved by the improvement and execution HR polices and practices (Anonymous, 2011, p. 1)

When employees are motivated they perform their best and shows best results for the customers and if the customers are satisfied with the organization then company will achieve the competitive advantage. Compensation and benefit policies, balance of work life and the steady growth are the key factors that motivate the employees (, p. 3).


Strategic Human Resource Management

According to Bratton, Strategic human resource management is defined as the process of relating the functions of human resource (HR policies and practices) with organization strategic objectives in order to advance performance of an organization (n.d., p.1).

Purpose of Strategic Human Resource Policies in Organization

Recruitment and Placement Policies

Through recruitment and placement organizations attract, attain and select the best individuals for the available position to fulfil the needs of the organization (, p. 1). The purpose of this policy is to find out the right person for right position using the fair means of processes, with the expertise and efficiency that an organization will require in the near future((, p. 6).

Training and Development Policies

The purpose of training and development in an organization is to develop the skills and competencies that are required for the workforce (Anonymous, 2011, p.13). The organization and the individual get benefits from different useful trainings and development programs and then they contribute to the attainment of organizational objectives (, p. 1).

Compensation Policies

Compensation policy is a tool used to supervise company employees. Compensation policy helps organizations to receive its money value and prompt and retain skilful employees. It can be devastating for an organization if it will ignore pay and performance system (, p.21).

Employee relationship policies

The purpose of this policy is to build an environment of engagement, empowerment and association of employees where they can put forward their ...
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