Strategic Human Resource Management

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Strategic Human Resource Management

Strategic Human Resource Management


In the recent times Strategic Human Resource has evolved as one of the key factors in improving the performance of an organization. According to Armstrong and Baron (2002) the increasing importance have enabled many organizations to study and research in order to understand the complex process of strategic human resource management so that they can enjoy the benefits and become successful. Strategic Human Resource Management enable the organizations to plan for the futures and thus help the management in defining a long-term approach regarding the structure of the organization, organizational culture, quality of work, values of the firm, commitments with the goals and enable the organization to achieve the organizational needs by using the amount of resources available. Thus the following essay will enable the organizations to use strategic human resource management that best fit and best practiced within an organization to achieve its goals and objectives.


During the last two decades there are several links created between the human resource management and the performance of the overall organization in terms of commitment of employees, decrease in the number of absenteeism, turnover of employees, and increase in the level of skills of the employees, increase in productivity, quality and enhancement in the efficiency of the employees. These all areas of work related to the human resource department of the organization are termed as Strategic Human Resource Management. Strategic Human Resource Management has three parts within itself and these are: 1) Best Practice, 2) Best Fit and 3) Resource Based View. Here we will only take into consideration the arguments that support the best practice and best fit view of strategic human resource management.

According to Sheilds (2007) the best practice approach covers the field of human resource management in terms of high commitment of employees, higher involvement of workers, developing a working system that provides high performance and enables the organization to achieve mutual gains. The best practice approach of strategic human resource management enables the organization to increase the level of performance so that valuable gains are provided to the stakeholders and especially the employees. The best practices are only successful if these practices are able to create positive synergies in the organization. The best practice approach provides the idea that the human resource activities are performed at the best level and by applying these practices organizations are able to bring enhancement in their performance.

A model has been designed that provides seven best and the most important human resource practices that enables the organization to achieve success. According to Lovell (2009) these practices are: 1) employment security provided by the organization to its employees who lead to direct improvement in the performance of the organization. 2) Selective hiring process of the organization enables the employees to enhance their skills so that they are not replaced and instead are provided a better position in the organization. 3) All the employees are able to achieve a leadership position where they can run their self-managed teams and the ...
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