Strategic Hrm

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International and Comparative Human Resource Management

International and Comparative Human Resource Management


Human Resource is the most important and integral part of every organization. The way a HR department runs, deeply affects the whole organization. A hefty part of an organization's growth depends on the Human Resource department as they are responsible for recruiting the people who are suitable for the job. HRM practices of an organization depend on the various ways of classifying the evolution of the organization - such as organizational or product life cycle or the evolution of the strategic management process from local to global. When the issues related to HRM are resolved the organization move towards even more success as it has even more skilled workers than before.

Human Resource Management

HRM policies and practices in addition to influencing business strategy also influence firm's performance directly, thereby creating a multiplier effect. It is the responsibility of the HRM to supply capable and knowledgeable workers and managers, finding a right person for the right job are important. Unfortunately it is not as simple as it sounds. Hiring and retaining an effective workforce, and creating a culture which endows learning environment is largely dependent on the leadership structure. Creating an environment that fosters the learning at individual, group and organization level is a challenge (Bovee & Thill, 2005, pp. 54-87). A learning organization is skilled at acquiring, creating, modifying and transferring knowledge to reflect new insights. In these learning organizations the individuals groups and organization itself have simultaneous proceeding effects (Early, 2006, pp. 54-55).

Similarities and Differences in National HRM Practices

HRM practices of an organization depend on the various ways of classifying the evolution of the organization, such as organizational or product life cycle or the evolution of the strategic management process from local to global. A significant feature of the integrative frameworks has been an explicit recognition that the multiple alignments between people practices, organization's structure, and strategy result in better organizational outcomes such as performance. Schuler et al. (1993), for example, identified strategic components of an organization as inter-unit linkages and internal operations, which have an impact on HRM issues, policies, and practices (Krichels, 2005, pp. 86-97). In their model, exogenous (i.e. type of global industry, nature of competitors, political, legal, socio-cultural and economic conditions) and endogenous (i.e. structure, international orientation, experience in running international operations) factors moderate the relation between organizational components and HRM issues, functions, policies, and practices (Armstrong, 2009, pp. 34-76).

Similar National Practices

Following are some of the similarities in the national HRM practices:

Recruitment Process

Firstly, organization needs of efficient employees, which will unburden the former employees and increase productivity. The HRM hires quality human resource. They properly evaluate each person's job and education background, their suitability for the job post. After selecting the appropriate individuals, they properly evaluate each candidate as per the job requirements (Furnham, 2010, pp. 45-87). For this, the HRM develops certain job related tests for every department and the suitable candidate first has to conduct the test of the department s/he has ...
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