Strategic Hrm

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Strategic Human Resource Management

Table of Contents

Overview of Organization Chosen3

Analysis and Critical Evaluation4

Task 1: Principles and Practices Involved In a Strategic Approach to Recruitment and Selection4

Significance of Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices4

Competency Frameworks6

Task 2: Principles and Practices Involved In a Strategic Approach to Performance Management7

Significant of Effective Performance Management Practices7

Managing People: the Organization's Way9

Technology Management and Performance11

Common Challenges for the Organization12

Human Resource Diversity and Equality Models13

Recommendations and Conclusive Remarks15

Key Areas to Consider16


Strategic Human Resource Management

Overview of Organization Chosen

PC World is the largest chain of superstores that relate to specific computers and technology related products. The company is a part of Diversified Systems Group Incorporation. Initially the store was opened in the Croydon of the United Kingdom in the year 1991 by Vision Technology Groups. Back in the year 1993, it was bought by the Dixons Group (the old name of DSGi). The customers of PC World comprise of both individual customers and businesses, which are catered in a customized manner through various channels available within the store. Various departments of the superstore chain include networking, photography, vision, TechGuys repair centre, gaming zones, phones and other technological products and solutions. It has a special section for business customers that provide products and services to customers in professional organizations, schools, universities and to the members of the local population. PCWorld, at the Staples Corner, Geron Way, London is a medium-sized branch with around 70 full time and part time employees. Around 40% of its employees have come from diverse backgrounds from different parts of the world. In other words, the company has adopted a multi-cultural environment, recruiting people especially from India and some parts of Europe. India itself is a culturally diverse land where people from the South-India differ in their culture as compared to the North of India.

Workplace landscapes have undergone considerable changes in the last century. It has now become multinational, multi-ethnic, and multi-cultural. Additionally, there are employees that are highly risk-tolerant individuals, and some risk-averse individuals. There needs to be an understanding that individuals from different cultures are going to have different perspectives and they are going to act differently in specific situations as compared to others. There needs to be some form of education on cultural differences among employees so no one gets caught off guard. In a nutshell, culture is another variable in the mix of personal qualities that employees encounter every day in the organization. There are so many personalities in the organization regardless of their national origin, color or race (Storti, 2011). One can observe the cross-cultural diversity at its peak, within the confines of the store. Nonetheless, this area was a perfect location for the author to conduct a research for more than one reason. It should be noted that all the multinational employees at this location are also the customers at other locations hence; the business should be equipped with services that would be catered flawlessly for that customer. As the general population of the country becomes more diverse, it becomes ...
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