Strategic Business Plan: Babysitting

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Strategic Business Plan: Babysitting

Strategic Business Plan: Babysitting


The name of the organization to be discussed in the paper is “Little Guardian”. Little guardian is a contemporary organization in the babysitting industry. The operations of the organization are not entitled to grasp mass volume of the target market. However, the organization can be categorized among the small business enterprises. The organization operates in service industry offering babysitting services to its target market. This is favorable for the organization as the industry in which the organization operates is in the growing phase.

Step 1: Vision and Mission

Mission construction is one of the most important steps to ensure the success of an organization. Through an organization's mission statement, the firm can know about their current position and where it has to go. Mission statement makes it easy for the corporate personnel to design the objectives and set the targets that are in harmony with the mission. The mission of Little Guardian is given below:

“We exist to nurture the future of your child and stimulate early care for developing his/her lifelong learning”.

The mission statement of an organization must accompany the vision statement. It will not be wrong to say that if the mission of the organization is the pathway then vision is the destination. An organization without a vision is incomplete as it will not be aware about the purpose of its existence. Therefore, the vision statement was to be constructed for Little Guardian in order to propose the destination where the organization has to reach. The vision statement of Little Guardian is prescribed below:

“We aim to achieve 50% market share of our current and potential target market without compromising the quality of our services and brand value”.

Step 2: Assess the Company's Strengths and Weaknesses

In order to get concert idea about the business and the chances of its survival in the competitive rivalry strengths and weakness analysis must be carried out. Little Guardian can effectively use its strengths to tap its target market through designing efficient strategies that can assist the organization to survive. Nonetheless, the weaknesses of Little Guardian can hinder its performance and survival; hence, awareness about weaknesses is also essential so that the organization may adapt effective strategies to cope with them.


One of the substantial strengths of Little Guardian is the growth of the market in which the organization operates. Babysitting services have gained customer appraisal lately; hence, it can be interpreted that the market is in growing phase which is strength for the organization as it is not operating in the stagnant market (Brunell, 2009, 66-74). Nonetheless, lack of immense competition in the industry is also strength of Little Guardian. The organizations operating in babysitting industry are not well established and often informal structures. Little Guardian has a sophisticated hierarchy and formal structure which can portray its effective image in the eyes of customers. The organization has skilled workforce; in addition, the price offered by Little Guardian is market competitive which is an immense strength of an ...
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